Pigmented spots in pregnancy

Waiting for the child - it's a beautiful time: the woman with pleasure notes the growing tummy, happy to prepare for a meeting with the baby. But sometimes an unpleasant surprise awaits her in the form of pigment spots during pregnancy. Future moms are very upset, discovering these marks on the face, hands, belly. Many of the pregnant women believe that the stains will remain forever.

Why does pigmentation appear during pregnancy?

During the "interesting" situation in the body of a woman there are many changes. One of these is the hormonal adjustment necessary for the bearing, birth and feeding of the child. When the balance of hormones of progesterone and estrogen in the future mother fluctuates, melanin, responsible for the production of pigment in the skin, is distributed unevenly. From this, there are dark or light brown spots on the face during pregnancy. They can also be localized on the neck, back, in the decollete. These spots are called doctors' chloasma of pregnant women.

Through the fault of all the same hormonal storms pigmentation of the nipples occurs during pregnancy. The change in the color of the nipples happens in almost every future mother and is absolutely normal.

If a woman discovers pigmentation spots on her legs during pregnancy, and at the same time veins become inflamed and fatigue is over, then, possibly, varicose veins of lower extremities develop due to increased pressure on them.

The appearance of white spots on the hands and feet during pregnancy also relates to the hormonal changes that are natural for this state of the body.

Other spots during pregnancy

Sometimes, the appearance of pigmented areas on the skin of women in the situation is associated with some problems in the body, for example, with a lack of folic acid, so necessary for the mother and the developing fetus.

Often, women complain of finding stains on the abdomen during pregnancy, which scare them. They worry, it does not harm the fetus. With pain in the area of ​​the stomach or liver, spots on the abdomen may indicate kidney disease. Pigmentation of the abdomen occurs with a lack of vitamins. Red spots during pregnancy often appear due to increased sweating in expectant mothers due to changes in the hormonal background. If they are accompanied by itching, blisters, then most likely, a woman in the position of urticaria, which appears with food allergies, as a consequence of toxicosis, an insect bite.

If the pigmentation spots do not cause any particular trouble, then you should not worry - most often after the birth of the baby these small "troubles" will disappear without a trace. The future mum can be lubricated with their yogurt, cucumber juice, bleaching cream. But if the stains bother you, contact your dermatologist to eliminate health problems.