Chokeberry - benefit and harm

Chokeberry is a fragrant and delicious berry of a deep dark blue color. It is known to many, because it can often be found in the park areas and on a variety of personal plots, as an ornamental plant. But in addition to visual beauty, this berry has a unique composition of useful substances, so if you do not have contraindications to the use of mountain ash, it can also be used as a remedy.

Composition of aronia

All the medicinal properties and contraindications of chokeberry are due to its composition. This berry is a real storehouse of various substances. According to the content of vitamin C, mountain ash is the leader against the background of many fruit plants. Very much in it and vitamin P: eating only 1 gram of berries every day you will provide yourself with the daily rate of this mega useful substance. In addition to the black chokeberry there is:

Chokeberry is appreciated by people for not only not damaging the human body, but also saturating it with iodine. In its fruits, it is four times as large as in strawberries, gooseberries or raspberries. In addition, rowan berries are rich in amino acids and different types of sugars, pectins and tannins.

Useful properties of chokeberry ashberry

Due to the high content of iodine, rowan berries are incredibly useful to eat people with ailments that affect the thyroid gland, for example, in diffuse or toxic goiter . In addition, the fruits of this plant perfectly stimulates digestive processes, purify the intestines. Pectin substances that are in the composition of mountain ash, well tonify the walls of the intestine and quickly eliminate the stagnant processes in the colon, removing excess bile and smoothing spasms.

If you do not have contraindications to eating rowan fruits, then eat them daily. This is a great prevention of hypertension and even atherosclerosis. Also, the regular consumption of such berries has a positive effect on the performance of the entire respiratory and cardiovascular system.

The fruits of mountain ash are an effective immunostimulant. They well improve the general condition of even a healthy body and increase resistance to a variety of infections.

Rowan is also assigned when:

Freshly prepared juice of black mountain ash will also benefit when the human body is damaged by arsenic-containing drugs. Also one of the most famous medicinal properties of its fruits is the ability to remove heavy metals, decay products and radioactive substances. That is why it is recommended to include daily in the menu those who live in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

The systematic use of chokeberry helps people who are struggling with obesity. It has anthocyanins that support the optimal level of glucose and perfectly block the growth of adipose tissue.

Contraindications to the use of chokeberry ashberry

Despite such a huge amount of medicinal properties, mountain ash has contraindications. Due to the fact that her fruit contains a lot of ascorbic acid, it is strictly forbidden to use for problems with lymph and circulatory system, as this can provoke the formation of blood clots. For the same reason, rowan can not be eaten with thrombophlebitis.

Contraindication to the use of black ashberry is peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as with these diseases the acidity of the gastric juice is increased. In addition, people who suffer from chronic constipation and severe food allergies should refrain from it.