Food allergy

Allergy to food can occur in every person: there are a lot of factors that can lead to it, but there are few methods to get rid of it. Unfortunately, in our age of progress - scientific discoveries, development of technology, there is still no medicine that would be 100% likely to permanently rid it of this ailment.

Treatment and the likelihood of recovery depends on many things, but first of all, on the patient himself, because food allergy is, first of all, a restriction in food.

How is food allergy manifested?

Signs of food allergy on the one hand are numerous (if you look at its manifestations through the eyes of a specialist in an allergist), but for a person of another profession the manifestation of food allergy can be classified into several points:

  1. Itching . The place where the allergy occurred may itch, and scratching only leads to an increase in manifestation.
  2. Redness . It can be a small rash or blisters (urticaria), as well as just stains. The color of the skin where the allergy originated is a rich pink color.
  3. Edema . Allergies can manifest as a Quincke edema - within 1 minute a compaction is formed that does not cause pain and does not itch. The dangers of Quincke's edema are present in the larynx region, because it can lead to asphyxia. The compaction may last up to 3 days. Most often this symptom of food allergy manifests itself on the face, fingers and legs.

Causes of food allergy

To understand how to get rid of food allergies, you need to find out the cause of its manifestation.

First of all, the hereditary factor is of great importance. If there is a predisposition, then any kind of food can one day be perceived by the body as an "enemy element", and it will react violently. Cellular memory of immunity can store this erroneous information that has been given to a person from ancestors that there are products that need to be reacted aggressively, and accordingly, immunity will follow this data.

Also, the nervous system plays a big role in the likelihood of allergy manifestation. If it is upset, then the aggressive perception of the world around and what gets into the body can lead to such a reaction.

Disrupted work of the digestive system leads in most cases to allergies: insufficient fermentation, bile stasis, stool disorders - all these pathologies lead to allergies, because the body can not process the products as needed.

How to treat food allergy?

Diet with food allergies is the basis of treatment, no matter what it is caused. Food, which is supposed to have developed an allergy, should be excluded. Together with this, all sweets, red vegetables and fruits, eggs and smoked products are excluded from the diet. Since the allergy is caused by different types of products, the allergist must prescribe an individual diet that does not lead to exhaustion and deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrition for food allergies is best coordinated not only with an allergist, but also a gastroenterologist. The doctor will prescribe a checkup to see if the digestive system is broken.

Since the allergy manifests itself in food, it is most likely that the treatment will need to be carried out in the offices of these two specialists, where the allergist will not allow deterioration of the condition, and the gastroenterologist will prevent the manifestation of an allergy in the future, eliminating abnormalities in the digestive tract.

Treatment of food allergy folk remedies

Food allergy can be tried to cure not only pharmacy, but also folk remedies. For example, connoisseurs of traditional medicine believe that a dried film of a boiled chicken egg will help get rid of the disease, which must be consumed every day in small amounts.

Also, to relieve the general strain of the body, it is recommended to drink tea with a root of valerian and chamomile.

Methods of treating allergy with the help of traditional medicine have not refuted themselves, but have not been proven effective, so they can be used as additional to the main treatment.

How to cure food allergy with the help of pharmaceutical products?

From allergy, first of all, prescribe antihistamines - ketotifen, alerzin, cetrine, etc. With Quincke's edema, Prednisolone or its analogues, a synthetic variant of the hormones of the adrenal cortex, are urgently injected. They are very important for the body in crisis situations, but you can not always use medication, because addictive can develop.

Also for the removal of allergy symptoms (all of the above medicines eliminate only the manifestation of the reaction, but from the disease itself do not get rid of) use creams and ointments that contain hormones. They relieve itching and puffiness. For food allergies, you must drink sorbents - liferan, white charcoal or regular activated. This is necessary for cleaning the intestines from toxins.

All these medicines remove allergy symptoms, but they are not enough to fully treat them. Depending on the cause that caused the allergy, a specific treatment is required, aimed at eliminating the source of the problem.