Nettles broth for hair - 3 best recipes and secrets of application

Nettle - a plant from ancient times, which brings a lot of benefits to people, it was used in the form of broths, infusions, dry powder for magical and medicinal purposes. Girls used a decoction of nettle for hair, and the result exceeded all expectations: the hair became strong, thick and shiny.

Broth of nettle for hair - benefit

Everyone knows this burning plant with the Martian character, which nettles have been given by nature itself. Why rinse hair with nettle? The composition of this healing herb is a whole pharmacy in one plant and a well of substances important for hair and scalp. What is the use of nettles for hair, will tell its composition:

Nettle is a balanced plant. No wonder our ancestors loved and revered it: it is suitable for food, and as a medicine, and beauty to the body, to the skin and hair returned - such an amazing plant. Broth nettles for hair, if you recall the recipes of our grandmothers - the very first, fast-acting help with many problems with hair.

Nettle from hair loss

Plants have always served people, for many centuries, knowledge about plants and their actions on the human body was tested in practice and multiplied by a handful of useful recipes, because there were no medications in the old days. Nettle against hair loss is an effective and time-proven method, but before undertaking treatment, it is important to find the reasons why the hair falls out, because there may be several:

Having found out the reason, in addition to the basic treatment, a decoction of nettle for the hair is used. The result is already noticeable after a month when combing the hair of the comb: they become smooth, elastic and do not fall out. Do not forget about the healing properties of nettle and you should continue to use the broth for preventive purposes at least once every 7 to 10 days.

Nettle for strengthening hair

The scalp is exposed to internal (from the side of the body) and external factors. Frequent use of chemicals for hair, wearing headgear injures the skin and hair begins to be segregated and fall out. Preventive measures with the help of herbs help to strengthen hair and protect it from falling out. Nettles for hair growth and strengthening are the most effective means, thanks to the following properties:

Nettle from fatty hair

Hair quickly get dirty and look dull and untidy the very next day after washing your hair? Rinse hair with nettle for a month improves their condition. A favorable effect on the hair has chlorophyll, contained in the nettle. This substance normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat and promotes increased growth and shine of the hair. It is important at the same time to normalize the food. The whole organism is interconnected. Over-saturated food affects the increased work of the sebaceous glands of the head.

How to prepare a decoction of nettles for hair?

Having chosen for themselves a "burning" healer as a remedy, women are interested in how to prepare nettles for hair, so that all the useful properties are preserved, and the procedures for head of hair are effective and safe? This will help the old recipes, which have survived to the present day in the form in which they used beauties of the past.

Decoction of nettle for hair - prescription main


Preparation and use

  1. Boil water and pour medicinal raw materials.
  2. Put on a small fire for half an hour.
  3. Wrap the dishes with decoction and leave to cool until warm.
  4. Strain the broth through gauze or a fine sieve.
  5. Take 200 ml of decoction and dilute in 500 ml of water.
  6. Slowly water on the already washed hair from the ladle.
  7. Hair get wet with a towel and allow to dry.

Fresh Nettles for Hair

In spring and summer, when the burning nettle is abundant, it's time to use fresh nettles, from which you can make hair masks, for this nettle is passed through a meat grinder and the resulting juice is rubbed into the scalp - this is a very troublesome occupation, although it is worth it. For those beauties who have a tight time, you can use a decoction of freshly harvested plants to treat hair.

How to make a decoction of nettles for hair?


Preparation and use

  1. Raw nettle stuff with water and vinegar, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. On a small fire, after boiling, boil for another 30 minutes.
  3. Cool it down.
  4. Strain.
  5. Dilute 3 cups of broth in a basin with warm water.
  6. Wash your head with massage movements in the basin for 3 to 5 minutes.
  7. Wipe with a towel and dry.

Dry nettle for hair

Recipes based on stinging nettles are very many and additionally used in conjunction with this herb other plants enhance the effect. In the autumn and winter (cooked in advance and dried) nettle will be a good healer for hair, making them resilient and shiny. In the cold season, hair suffers from a lack of oxygen and vitamins, it's time to use nettles in masks and broths.

Nettle for hair - recipe with burdock and hop cones for strengthening


Preparation and use

  1. Mix nettles, burdock roots and hop cones and pour water.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes.
  3. Insist, wrapped in 30 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Rinse clean hair.
  6. Dry naturally.

How to use a decoction of nettle for hair?

Broths of nettles and freshly picked, and dry can be used by courses throughout the year. Contraindication is the individual intolerance of plant components. It is believed that nettles for hair (rinsing), especially for brunettes, are more noticeable, the owners of light and red hair nettle gives a greater shine in combination with chamomile. Rinsing hair with nettle is recommended at least once a week for a month, then you can take a short break and repeat the course.