Why do the eyes fester after the bath?

Visiting the sauna, as well as the sauna - not only a national tradition or a pleasant pastime. This procedure helps to clean the skin and mucous from accumulated in the pores of dirt, secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands. Therefore, some people do not understand why after the bath eyes are festering, because visiting the steam room should have a beneficial effect on the health and condition of the body as a whole.

Why do the eyes rot after the sauna?

Staying in a bath promotes the activation of all metabolic processes, as well as stimulates the immune system. Steam is a kind of stress factor, which first relaxes the body, then sharply exposes it to temperature overload. Multiple repetition of this process intensifies the immune system, promotes the excretion of the body fluid, residues of bacteria and viruses.

The feeling that the eyes are fading after the bath is the result of active cleansing of the mucous membranes of the visual organs from the accumulated in them foreign bodies and substances. As a rule, this sensation passes independently in 1-2 days.

Other possible causes of the condition under consideration are:

In addition, some people have a congenital physiological feature - excessive secretion of eye lubricant and an increased accumulation of epithelial cells in the corners of the eyelids.

What should I do if my eyes fester after a bath?

Usually the problem in question disappears on its own within 24-48 hours.

If suppuration is accompanied by additional symptoms, indicative of an allergic reaction or development of conjunctivitis ( tearing , itching, runny nose, sneezing), you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.