Sore throat - causes

Sore throat is not just an unpleasant sensation, which causes discomfort, but also a serious enough symptom that can indicate various diseases. Why there is a perspiration in the throat, we will consider further.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

One of the most common causes of perspiration in the throat, sometimes turning into a cough, are respiratory diseases of a viral or bacterial nature, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis, etc. With the progression of the inflammatory process, the infection can spread to the lower respiratory tract, which causes the appearance of such symptoms:

Injury of the mucosa

Severe perspiration in the throat can occur due to damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the larynx by a foreign object that has fallen into it, or when exposed to a traumatic factor from the outside, from the side of the skin. In response to injury to the mucous in the first case, there is a perspiration and reflex cough that appears as a defensive reaction of the body to remove the foreign body. In the case of an external trauma to the throat, perspiration occurs due to multiple hemorrhages occurring in the submucosal layer of the larynx, which protrude slightly into its lumen and are perceived as a foreign body.


Exposure to various allergens (dust, cat hair, plant pollen, evaporation of chemicals, etc.) on the respiratory tract can also cause perspiration in the throat. Provoke the appearance of this symptom can and food allergens, which also cause and swelling of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx. Persecution in the throat at night is often associated with an allergy to fillers of pillows or blankets.

Occupational throat diseases

Frequent choking in the throat is caused by the causes associated with working conditions:

Professional throat diseases are also characterized by changes in voice, the appearance of hoarseness, hoarseness.

Neurosis of pharynx

The cause of constant persecution in the throat is sometimes the neurosis of the pharynx - a pathology associated with the defeat of the nerves innervating the pharynx, or their nuclei in the brain. In this case, apart from persecution, there are such symptoms, pain and tingling in the throat, a feeling of not passing "lump", making conversation and swallowing difficult. This condition can be caused by stroke, central nervous system disorders, brain tumors, etc.

Thyroid gland diseases

Persecution in the throat often occurs in diseases of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in its size or the appearance of various neoplasms. In this case, the organs and nerve trunks located nearby are squashed, which leads to the appearance of perspiration.

Diseases of the digestive system

In some cases, a sore throat appears as a result of a pathology such as reflux gastroesophagitis. This disease is associated with a disruption of the closure function of the lower esophageal sphincter, in which the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus and causes irritation of the mucous membranes. As a result, there is a burning sensation and a sensation along the esophagus and throat.

Pershenie, appearing horizontally after eating and accompanied by symptoms such as heartburn, belching, bitterness in the mouth, often indicates such diseases: