Exercises for the development of thinking

The use of various methods for developing flexibility of thinking is extremely important, given that we live in an age of intelligence, when the level of the latter depends not only on well-being, but also on the completeness of life. After all, what is thinking? This is a reflection of reality, an analysis of an infinite flow of information, based on our experience and, of course, intelligence. The problems of thinking for a long time were considered only from the point of view of logic and philosophy, and today this question was asked and psychology.

"I think, therefore I am," said the great mathematician René Descartes. All of us, to some extent, are reasonable beings, but this does not mean that our mind does not need training. Just as we must pay attention to physical exercises, in order to maintain the body in shape, it is necessary to train your mind. And although, unlike muscles, our thoughts are always in motion, it is important to streamline their flow, make it strong and, most importantly, deep. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of thinking, applying various techniques. What - you will find out below.

Before we go directly to the methods and methods of developing productive thinking, let's find out in what ways we think:

Exercises for the development of thinking

The following exercises will help develop logical and associative thinking:

  1. Think of 10 sentences, the initial letters of which form some non-long word. For example, "COBRA" - "hooves Anna very painfully", "the brother hugged his native antelope", etc.
  2. List the maximum number of synonyms for a word.
  3. Think of associative names for the things around you. For example, not a syringe, but a "medicine injector", etc.
  4. Write down two words, for example, KANAVA and COD. Now you need to come up with words where each subsequent will start with the first two letters of the previous one. Ditch - brew - hair - sturgeon - cod.
  5. Think up meaningless and funny words, and then try to find an explanation for them.
  6. Imagine that you describe an alien who is unfamiliar with earthly phenomena, which means rain, crying, happiness, etc. Try to explain their values ​​as much as possible.
  7. Ask someone to come up with an anagram for you and make a proposal out of them.
  8. Write down a few words in numbers, where each digit corresponds to the ordinal number of the letter in the alphabet.
  9. Choose a long word and make up the maximum number of other words from its letters.
  10. A good way to develop thinking is to solve logical problems and simple examples in large numbers.

Do not be lazy to give training 10-15 minutes a day, and very soon you will notice that the tasks to perform are becoming easier, which means your thinking becomes more flexible.