How to determine the age of the puppy?

It happens that dogs get into our house quite by accident. For example, they saw an abandoned puppy on the street, regretted and taken to themselves or presented to someone without knowing the age. And in fact to know, how many the dog has lived is simply necessary, especially if it is small. The health of the puppy depends, first of all, on nutrition and exercise, which in turn are closely related to age. Therefore it is very important to know how to determine the age of the puppy.

How do I know the age of a puppy?

Each period of the dog's life corresponds to changes in the body that are displayed externally. In crumbs, for example, in the first week of life the ears open, and on the second eye. The first teeth of the puppy (upper canines and incisors) begin to erupt only in the third week. In the same period, the baby can stand on his paws, and we can observe his first games.

The puppy's age can be determined most accurately by teeth, since teeth grow very quickly, and it is difficult to make a mistake. When the dog turns a month, it usually has all the front teeth . Milky teeth differ from constants in smaller sizes and are inferior to them in strength.

The replacement of teeth in puppies begins with the loss of hooks, and then the middle incisors. This period corresponds to a 3 month old dog. In four months, suburbs and premolars begin to fall out. And from the age of five months there is a change of fangs, and teeth erupt, in the place of which there were no dairy. The whole process of changing teeth ends on the seventh month of life of our four-legged friends. Up to what age the puppy dog ​​depends on the number of teeth. If the puppy has 28, then the adult dog has 42.

Other signs of age of the dog

Young dogs have a shiny and thick coat . Unlike mature, they are very active, like to frolic and play and have excellent vision.

However, according to the signs indicating how old the puppy grows to become an adult, it is impossible to say exactly how many months the puppy is. There will always be some deviations from the truth. After all, the life of the dog and its appearance depends on the environment, from food and even from the breed.