Green Iguana

Green iguana is one of the most popular types of exotic pets. "Iguana" from the ancient Mexican dialect is translated as "lizard".

Green iguanas are equally common in both wildlife and at home. Iguana is loved not only for its unusual appearance, but also for its good-natured character. Also iguanas are no worse than dogs can guard the house and its inhabitants. Where there is a green iguana in the nature, it is warm and humid. In such conditions, it feels comfortable, so the distribution area is large enough - almost the entire South American continent, the territory of North America.

Contents of the green iguana

The maintenance of iguana and care for it will require some effort from the owner. Here are some tips on how to care for an iguana:

  1. The size of the terrarium should be at least 4000 liters, because you buy a small lizard, and grow from it a two-meter dragon. If you do not stop the impressive size of your future roommate, then before buying an iguana you need to prepare a house for her. A small two-hundred-foot vertical terrarium is suitable for a young person. In the house to arrive iguanas should be an incandescent lamp to maintain the temperature, an ultraviolet lamp, a nice snag, a water reservoir and a soil.
  2. The daytime temperature in the terrarium should be 24-30 ° C, night - 20 ° C. Under the lamp it is necessary to place a snag so that the iguana can warm "in the sun" at a temperature of 30-35 ° C. In addition to the lamp, these temperature indicators can be achieved with the help of heating mats and other appliances that are sold at the pet store. There you also need to buy a thermometer for measuring temperature and humidity.
  3. An ultraviolet lamp is needed for normal growth and development of the iguana. It should work no less than 12 hours, this is how long the iguana has a light day. Timers for turning it on and off can also be found on the market.
  4. It is advisable to purchase a reservoir, not deep water. usually iguanas cope with their natural needs.
  5. The basis of food should be vegetables, fruits, dandelions, greens. Do not feed the iguana with food from your table, fodder for cats and dogs. The iguana will eat everything that you offer it, but this does not mean that cutlets and pelmeni will do her good. It is better to feed the lizard in the morning, so that for a whole day the food is digested. At night temperatures iguanas are difficult to digest food. Vitamins and trace elements must be periodically included in the feed.
  6. Iguanas, like other reptiles, molt. During the moult, the color of the iguana skin fades. It happens every 6 weeks, in winter - less often. Moulting in iguanas takes quite a long time. they shed gradually. To make this process go faster, the iguana needs to be bathed daily or sprinkled with warm water, and the sagging skin should be removed with tweezers or hands.

Taming the iguana

Once you tame the iguana, and it's easy enough, then you immediately get not only a reliable friend, but also a loyal defender. You need to communicate with the pet daily, and very soon the iguana will get used to you. Do not start these animals in a house where there are small children. If the iguana does not like something, then it is able to scratch or bite. A tamed iguana is allowed to walk around the apartment, you can wash it in the bathroom.

If the iguana is stressed or the temperature-humidity regime is broken, then one of the signals to pay special attention to it is a discoloration of the skin. The color may become gray or brown. Watching the color of the iguana, for its appetite, mood will allow your exotic animal not to get sick and live a long time.