Marketing moves to attract customers

In order to ensure that the income from business is constantly growing, it is necessary to apply special marketing moves to attract customers. Of course, each industry has its own characteristics, but there are also universal "chips" that almost all firms can use.

Marketing activities to attract customers

First, it should be understood that it is necessary to create a positive and recognizable image of your company for the buyers of the product or service . Only if customers remember the firm, they will become permanent. Otherwise, this will not happen. It is not necessary to sponsor the construction of a hospital or an orphanage, but it will not be superfluous to participate in various charitable events or marathons. This simple solution is in fact an excellent marketing tool for attracting customers. After all, people like to feel noble.

Be sure to arrange various free events. This will help not only attract a large number of new customers, but also positively affect the image of the organization. The event can be entertaining or educational, it depends on the industry in which the firm operates. Focus on the audience, and everything will turn out.

You can also conduct the following marketing "chips" to attract customers:

Of course, do not forget about various souvenirs with the company logo. It is better, if such presents are not just toys, but something useful, for example, a magnetic calendar for a refrigerator or a pen. The more often a person will see the logo of the company, the more likely that he will remember it and apply again.

9 moves to attract customers