How to live without money?

The financial question interested and, probably, will always be of interest. But it happens that it is necessary to live without money for a while, for example a week, how can this be done? And in general, is this possible? The experience of some people says that this happens, it is true to sit, do nothing and live without money does not come out, you still have to move.

Can I live without money?

Practically every modern person, to the question "can you live without money", grins and thinks that if this were possible, every third person would give up his job. But, it turns out, there is a whole movement "A world without money."

The inspirer of which, Heidemarie Schwemer, distributed the money from the bank account, and left the house with a couple of personal belongings and 200 dollars, which lie to this day in her bag. Thinking about how to live without money for one year, Haidemari became so involved with the process that she has not used them for 17 years, paying for food, shelter, clothes with her work - walking dogs, getting out of supermarkets, doing homework, etc.

How to live without money?

The experience of foreign enthusiasts of the "World without money" is indicative, but still do not forget about the domestic specifics. Yes, we also have websites where supporters of natural exchange offer to exchange / give clothes, food for services, call them to live with them, etc. But this current came to us 10 years after its appearance, and our mentality is not the same, because of the people's love for "freebie", the owners of cafes and shops simply do not believe that for their food a person will then pay for their work.

Therefore, we have options for how to live without money for a week or more, somewhat different, but still they exist.

  1. At us many are owners of such happiness as a summer residence, preferring to use it not only for rest, but also for cultivation of vegetables and fruit. And give this process a lot of time and effort, they come up with a lot of adaptations such as warm beds , eventually returning from the weekend with a characteristic "lumbar" tan and pains in the same area. If you have such acquaintances or relatives, then try to offer them your help in exchange for food.
  2. The source of housing can be the same cottages, they often require a watchman, who is given a summer cottage for housing, and even money, though small.
  3. The method of acquiring a roof over the head is widely known - caring for lonely old people. Another thing is that with this method you can have no time for your life, older people are different.
  4. You can get food by sitting as a nurse in a kindergarten, a cook in the dining room, a food delivery service at home, etc.
  5. With transport and clothing, things are more complicated. But they can be tried for work for housework, childcare, help with repairs, etc. Of course, in this case, as a transport, we consider a bicycle, and by clothes we understand things not " from haute couture ".

As we can see, despite the success of the "World Without Money" movement, it will not be possible to live without finance at all, and no one would allow us to do this - the economy of countries is not built on a natural exchange.