How to open a children's cafe?

Children are also adults only small. This is worth remembering, if you decided to devote yourself to such a type of business as a children's cafe. In order to open a similar institution you need to work harder than with an ordinary cafe for adults. After all, your future visitors are a special contingent, which means that the institution itself must be special.

It starts with finding the right room. Beforehand, find out about possible competitors and monitor their activities. Pay attention to the fact that the future of the cafe is located near children's polyclinics, kindergartens, schools, playgrounds, parks, maternity homes and children's clothes and toys stores. Then, solve all the issues with the tax inspection, get permission in the SES and the fire department, register the IP and get a patent for trading activities. But know that all this can take a huge amount of time.

How to open a children's cafe?

When you undertake such a serious business as creating a cafe for children, remember that one desire like "I want to open a children's cafe" is not enough. Your institution should be different from usual, standard for adults. If you are willing to spend money on an idea for an interior, then hire professionals. For children, the best interior will be toys, bright colors and fairy-tale characters. Become the creator of a small magical country, in which the children will want to spend their time again and again. Do not save on space, on the area of ​​the room. In order not to limit the number of small visitors and their parents - in a cafe should contain at least 60 seats.

Naturally, you will need to purchase furniture, kitchen tools and equipment for the play area. Think about buying a large TV, according to which children will watch interesting tales and cartoons.

Let your trump card will be a diverse menu! Attract regular customers with a large selection of hot and cold dishes, desserts, snacks, drinks, side dishes and meat dishes and sweets! The main thing is not to forget about the interests of those who will come to you. Do you remember what you wanted in your childhood?

Depending on what means you have and what you want to build, you will count yourself how much it costs to open a children's cafe.

The approximate costs of opening your institution should look like this:

Consider also the money that you will need to give to your employees.

The main rule of yours when considering such an issue as opening a family and children's cafe, let it be QUALITY. "Less is better, but better."

Do you want to come to you not only to eat, but to celebrate holidays and birthdays? Great, great idea! Hire a person who will be responsible for staging and scenarios of children's activities and entertainment! In this way you will make your life easier, you will have a little more free time and double the demand for your cafe. Success and inspiration!