Will Smith's Wife

Jada Pinkett is more known as the wife of Will Smith, but in reality this forty-four-year-old beauty is an actress, singer, writer, and more recently an entrepreneur. She also makes films and produces interesting projects. Career Jada started in 1990 with an episodic role in the comedy tape "True Colors." For twenty-five years of work on the set, she has played more than three dozen roles.

Shadows of the past

Not everyone knows that the marriage with Jada Pinkett is not the first one in Will Smith's account. In 1992, a famous actor married Shiri Zampino, with whom he lived for three and a half years. Shiri gave birth to Will, the son who was named Willard Christopher Smith. After the divorce of the parents, the boy, whose relatives called Trey, stayed with his mother, and communication with his father was quite rare.

Creative career

Today, almost everyone knows the name of Will Smith's wife, and forty-three years ago her mother, abandoned by her husband with a one-year-old baby, was not sure that she would be able to provide a bright future for her daughter. Help in the education of Jada was her mother. It was the grandmother who instilled a love for Jade in any of its manifestations. Playing the piano, ballet classes , tap dance lessons, and then studying at the theater and dance school in Baltimore - the girl received an excellent education!

In 1989, an eighteen-year-old girl moved from Baltimore to Los Angeles to build a career as an actress. At first the roles were episodic, and the name of Jada was not even mentioned in the credits, but in 1994 everything changed. The role of Peaches in the comedy picture "Missing millions" was appreciated by critics and spectators. In 1996, Jada Pinkett ensured success by starring with Eddie Murphy in The Crazy Professor. But the world fame brought her the role of Niobe in two parts of the "Matrix", which came out in 2003.

Today, Jada acts as a member of her own Wicked Wisdom group, established in 2002, developing the fashion label Maja, offering stylish women's clothing, helping young people and low-income families through the founding of the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation.

Personal life

With her current husband, Jada met at the dawn of an acting career. In 1990, their fate was reduced to the site of the series "Prince of Beverly Hills." Having become friends, young people often met outside the set. Will Smith's first wife Shiri Zampino quickly realized that the divorce was just around the corner. Having lived in marriage for just over three years, they broke up. After Will Smith divorced his wife, leaving her with his three-year-old son Trey, Jada took the situation into her own hands. Already in 1997, Will put a ring on her finger. Seven months later, Jaden's son was born to his wife, and two years later, Willow's daughter.

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Today, the Will Smith family is exemplary: the wife pays attention to both home and work, and the children began to build creative careers.