Leg cramps during pregnancy

Leg cramps during pregnancy are a fairly common symptom in expectant mothers. At the end of the day, the pregnant woman tends to take a horizontal position and lie down, however, in the first minutes of rest, the abdominal muscles or the back of the lower leg can suddenly be pricked with sharp pain, and the leg unbends and stretches as if it wants to "stand on tiptoe". Cramps in calves during pregnancy can last up to several minutes and very often become uncomfortable companions for the entire period of gestation. Cramps cramps feet during pregnancy not at all future mothers. Those women who have been friends with sports since childhood, are accustomed to physical stress and have the skills to control their muscles - are much less prone to these unpleasant phenomena and that such cramps in pregnant women know only by hearsay.

Sometimes convulsions in pregnant women do not have a clearly defined location. Convulsions of the hands during pregnancy are less common, however, they are much more sensitive to pain and are more difficult for women.

What it is necessary first of all to undertake in order to remove a fit of cramps and get rid of acute and sharp pain?

Why do leg cramps occur during pregnancy?

There are several versions. According to one of them, convulsions in pregnant women are manifested because of the increased burden on their legs. Especially this reason is relevant in the last three months of pregnancy. Another version of specialists, because of which reduces the cramp of the legs when pregnancy - a shortage in the body of a future mother of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin C.

In order to prevent cramps in the calves during pregnancy, you can advise to lead an active lifestyle, give time to swimming, yoga and short walks in the open air. Be sure to pay attention to control your diet. It is necessary to increase the consumption of dairy products, green leaves of vegetables, sunflower seeds, lentils and other legumes. Not superfluous will be figs, apples, citrus and tomatoes. It is proved that vegetarianism reduces the likelihood of seizures.