Intrauterine development of the child

Intrauterine development of the child is not only the physiological development and growth of the baby, but also the formation of the child's psychological health, his character. In this period, surprisingly, the emotional and intellectual potential of the future child is laid. Therefore, it is extremely important during pregnancy to pay attention not only to one's health, but also to emotions, to engage in intrauterine nurture of an unborn little man.

When to start raising a child?

We used to think that the child should be raised after birth, instilling in him certain norms of behavior in society, educating him in the necessary emotions and outlook on life. However, many mothers admit that the baby becomes part of the family from the very moment of conception. Scientists after some studies have concluded that education in the womb is the most important component of the overall development of the child. Not so long ago, the notion of perinatal education appeared, and in many countries prenatal education schools have been established.

So, what is the essence of upbringing in the womb - we will consider the stages of intrauterine life and embryo readiness for intrauterine pedagogy.

The organs of the fetal senses and the corresponding centers of the brain are already developed by the 3rd month of pregnancy. At the 6th week, the embryo first fixes the activity of the brain, in 7 - the work includes synapses and the first reflexes appear.

At the end of the first trimester, you can safely embark on the education of a child in the womb, as he is able to feel the touch, his ears and eyes react to sounds and light, his heart starts beating stronger in response to a loud sound, he has developed taste buds.

The ear is developed more than all other senses, therefore already at this stage it is possible and it is necessary to be engaged in musical education of the child. Intrauterine sounds cause the child certain reactions - calm music lulls him, while loud and fast leads to active movements of the child in the mother's womb. Perfect music for children in the belly is a lullaby, sung by the mother herself. She calms the baby, tune in one wave with her mother, brings a sense of security and comfort.

In addition to the musical upbringing of the fetus, the child is beneficially affected by poetry, art, communication with nature.

Raising a child in the womb

In utero education of the child in many ways is possible due to the close relationship between him and his mother. Connections are emotional and sensual. It is proved that the child constantly catches the thoughts and feelings, mood and emotional state of his mother. Mother becomes an intermediary between him and the world around him. The child's thoughts in the abdomen are formed due to imitative actions that the child has in the mother's womb. At this stage, the kid learns some behavioral skills, which are not just reflex. He is able to remember not only sensory, but also emotional information that he receives from his mother. Thus, what the child does in the abdomen - peacefully sleeping, sucking a finger, or actively moving and pushing, depends largely on what his mother feels and experiences at the moment.

Emotion and child

Even before birth, the child feels an acute need for love. The way the mother reacted to the news of her pregnancy, in many respects affects the child. If the reaction is negative, the child feels a feeling of anxiety, which eventually develops into a sense of its uselessness. Unwanted children after their birth often become conflict, prone to antisocial behavior, negative behavior.

If the pregnancy causes a constant joy for the mother, the child experiences a sense of comfort and your boundless love. Such children grow up harmonious personalities.