Dexamethasone for cats

Everyone already knows that human drugs in many cases work fine on animals, and ointments bought in vetapteks help people often better than a beautifully packaged overseas drug. Just need to know the dose and composition of this tool. Here and dexamethasone has found its application in cats. It would seem that it refers to glucocorticoids, steroid hormones, but they work quite effectively on horses, cows, dogs and other domestic animals.

Dexamethasone for cats - indications for use

This medicine veterinarians are used in the following dangerous cases - when there are edematous diseases, allergies , shock state, arthritis, bursitis, intoxications, severe stress.

Dexamethasone for cats

When a shock is usually administered, 1-1.5 ml of this drug per 1 kg of weight of the pet. For such a small animal as a cat, enough intramuscularly from 0.1 ml to 1 ml of this drug. If the doctor is dealing with an infection, then this substance is used in combination with antibiotics. In pharmacies are sold eye suspensions, pills, dexamethasone injections. For cats is most appropriate is the last option.

Dexamethasone for cats is an excellent remedy in case other variants are not suitable, but immediate treatment is necessary. Especially it concerns shock conditions, allergies and edema. It is undesirable to use it during pregnancy, feeding of babies, before possible vaccination or immediately after it. Introduce this tool should an experienced veterinarian, old animals often suffer from hypertension, kidney failure, and they have corticosteroids can cause a stroke or another reaction. If there are no contraindications, then you can make injections, usually the duration of the treatment course for a domestic cat is up to 7-8 days.