Mittelschnauzer - breed description, nature and care rules

Who is a mittelschnauzer, a description of the breed and the rules of care - all this should be known to the person who wants to become the owner of such a pet. There is a detailed description of the standards that a thoroughbred animal must match.

Breed of dogs Mittelschnauzer

According to one of the most common versions in the XVIII century, the animals of this breed were used as hunters for small rodents, so there is one of their informal name - the Pied Piper. Breeders officially started breeding in 1880. The dog Mittelschnauzer was used during the First World War as a sanitary animal and a communications assistant.

Mittelschnauzer - breed standard

At exhibitions, specialists conduct an evaluation of the structure of the body. Mittelschnauzer refers to medium-sized dogs with strong and broad bone. Mittelnauzer standard:

  1. Weight should be in the range of 12 to 20 kg, and growth at the withers from 45 to 50 cm.
  2. The head is long and wide, has the form of a blunted wedge with a flat forehead and a pronounced hillock on the occiput. The jaw has the shape of the letter "P".
  3. Expressed is a deep transition from the nose to the frontal bone. Cheeks are developed, with flat muscles.
  4. The dog's lips have a black edging, and the teeth are closed without gaps.
  5. Eyes oval in shape have closely fitting eyelids with dark fringing. The ears are semi-permanent.
  6. In the description of standards it is indicated that the body has the shape of a square with a developed sternum and a well protruding front line. The neck is not long with a clearly defined withers area and a nape. The strong back has a short lumbar region. The tail is saber shaped.
  7. Strong paws have a wide range. In front, pronounced shoulders are clearly visible.
  8. The wool of these animals is medium-long, coarse with a coiled straight hair, without the presence of waves and curls. At the tips, the coat is softer than the base. A distinctive feature is a developed beard and superciliary arches.

Mittelnauzer color

For this breed there are two colors, but since there are different shades, the colors may differ.

  1. Black Middel Schnauzer. Color is clear without inclusions. Puppies may have a red or gray tint, but after a time it disappears or is modified by grooming.
  2. Pepper and salt. This is a complex color and it can be described as if a white middel's schnauzer was sprinkled with black pepper. Undercoat has a gray tinge. Often the dog has a dark face mask.

Mittelschnauzer - character

At exhibitions, the behavior of the animal is necessarily assessed and the following facts can be attributed to the main features of nature:

  1. In the description of the breed, the nature of the Mittelschnauzer is presented as cheerful and playful.
  2. Dogs have well-developed intelligence, so there should not be problems with the upbringing of animals.
  3. In the description of the character it is said that the mittelschnauzer is devoted to his master, and he constantly needs constant care and attention.
  4. This breed gets along well with children, so you can safely let them frolic together.
  5. In the description of the Mittelschnauzer breed, it is noted that such animals are good guards. When necessary, they can show aggression.
  6. It is important to take into account that you can not give a descent and go on the subject of a pet, because they like to manipulate.

Mittelschnauzer in the apartment - maintenance and care

The presence of a thoroughbred pet in the house requires a person to be responsible, since you need to look after your pet. It is more about nutrition, which should be balanced, but do not forget about the need for different procedures, for example, combing the hair, examining the ears and claws. The Mittel Schnauzer breed requires special attention to health, as there are a number of diseases that often occur in such dogs.

Mittelnauzer - care

The most important procedure for this breed is caring for the coat, which should always look healthy. Dead hairs do not leave the bulb and they need to be removed mechanically. Every owner should know how to trim a schnauzer, but the trimming is the best procedure for this breed.

  1. The procedure is carried out from the top down, and you need to pluck the neck from above and along the sides, back, sides to the bottom of the chest, shoulder blades to the elbow, hips to the hocks and the upper part of the tail.
  2. After this, the haircut of the head, inner thighs, abdomen, neck, front part of the chest and the area under the tail is performed. It is important to cut against the growth of wool.
  3. They cut their ears short. Hair on the forehead is removed from the occiput to the eyebrows.
  4. A bang should be combed to the nose, and then, it is given a triangular shape. Beard, combed forward and trimmed on a scythe.

It is important to periodically inspect the auricle and remove sulfur and dirt. Wool inside the ear is recommended for plucking. Teeth at home wipe with an ear stick, but the cleaning should be done by a professional. If claws grow strongly, they can be shortened. You need to do this with medium forceps. Pay attention to the condition of the pet and, if necessary, always contact the veterinarian.

Power supply schnauzer

Description of care necessarily includes rules for proper nutrition. The owner can choose dry food , natural food or use both options. In the first case, it is best to choose products of famous brands, for example, ANF, Belcando or Hills . Note that the dog may not like the choice, so it's better to start with the tasting. The description of the natural feeding of the Mittelnauzer is as follows:

  1. An adult pet should not eat more than three times a day, but two times it will be enough.
  2. The menu should contain meat of dietary varieties and it is best to give it in raw form.
  3. An important product in the diet is milk, which the dog should receive during life. The amount is 100-300 ml. If the salsa has problems with digesting milk, then you need to choose another product, for example, cottage cheese.
  4. The description of the ration includes eggs in boiled form, so, an adult should be given 0.5 pcs. in a day.
  5. Finding out how to properly eat the mittelschnauzer, it is worth pointing out that the dog can get carbohydrates from cereals, you can oatmeal, mango and rice. They can be present in the menu separately or with a broth.
  6. In order for the pet to receive useful vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to include vegetables and greens in the diet, which can be added to cereals. It is best to choose beets, carrots, onions and even garlic.

Diseases of the mitocholestera

Dogs of this breed have good health and strong immunity. Before buying it is recommended to take an interest in the pedigree, because most diseases are inherited. The life expectancy of the mittenschnauzer is 14-16 years. The description of the most common diseases include:

  1. Animals can suffer from diabetes mellitus , problems with the thyroid gland, and in rare cases, the development of epilepsy is possible.
  2. It occurs in such animals hip dysplasia and eye diseases, for example, cataracts.
  3. When choosing food, it is worth considering that this breed has a tendency to allergies , bloating and inflammation of the pancreas.

Mittenschnauzer Mating

There are no significant differences between the viscous species of this breed and others. Mittelschnauzer-girl can become pregnant and give birth after the first heat, which occurs before the year. Experts do not recommend hurry, because if the dog will give birth after the first heat, then serious complications are possible, since the body has not yet fully formed. The optimal age for mating is 2 years.

Education and training Mittelnauzera

Teaching the rules of behavior and teams of animals of this breed is simple, because they are very smart and quickly grasp everything. Dog experts say that the puppies are 4 months old. already can know more than 20 teams. For this, it is necessary to take into account the characteristic of the Mittelschnauzer and some peculiarities:

  1. The owner should be the leader for the pet, otherwise it will be unruly and uncontrollable.
  2. In education, it is important to consider three important points: hardness, play and praise.
  3. In training it is important to avoid aggression.
  4. The first need to work out the team "next" and "to me."
  5. To punish for disobedience, in any case do not beat the pet. It's better to shake her by the withers.
  6. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 20 minutes.

Mittelnautzer puppies - maintenance and care

Having bought a pet of this breed, it is necessary to take care of creating conditions for a normal existence.

  1. A small mittelnautzer should have a place for rest and sleep.
  2. It is necessary to have two bowls: for eating and drinking. Up to 2 months. feed the puppy 6 times, and then, up to 4 months. You need to reduce the number of portions to two. Up to six months, the number of meals should not be more than three.
  3. At first, you may need a diaper so that he goes to the toilet.
  4. In the pet store, you should buy toys for your pet.
  5. From an early age, it is necessary to accustom the dog to trimming.