How to care for a land tortoise?

You decided to have a pet, but can not decide which one? Dogs need to walk, cats molt, hamsters and guinea pigs live too little ... What about a turtle? Caring for this funny reptile does not require you to make any special effort, and to watch him is a pleasure. So, if you are interested in the maintenance and care of land tortoises, this article is for you.


Before you go to the pet shop in search of a potential pet, take care that he was where to live. Most people keep turtles in special terrariums , and we recommend that you follow their example. It must be spacious and wide - so that the animal can move freely. Focus on the volume of 60 to 100 liters: for a medium-sized turtle, this area will be enough.

If you have a land-based Central Asian turtle , care for it should include constant heating of the site: do not forget that in her homeland she was used to the heat. The optimum temperature for this freshwater is 25-35 ° C. You can provide it by means of an ordinary table lamp, but it is better to use a special, ultraviolet light. In the aquarium, there must be an angle in which the turtle will hide in the shade. In the summer it can be walked around - she will gladly bask her shell under the sun's rays.

The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with a thick layer of river gravel or pebbles. But sand and sawdust will not work: on such a cover your little friend will feel uncomfortable. The drinking bowl and the bathing tray should be buried in the ground so that the tortoise has free access to water.

What to feed her?

Quality care for the home turtle is impossible without a balanced diet. It should contain vegetables and fruits (as practice shows, cabbage, carrots and apples use special love), greens and grass, as well as special vitamin and mineral supplements. In the warm season you can treat your pet with clover, leaves of dandelion and plantain, berries. It is not recommended to give "human" food - porridge, meat, bread. Some veterinarians advise to limit the use of cucumbers, grapes and onions.

Care for the land tortoise in winter is no different from summer. Everyone knows that amphibians fall asleep during the cold season. Some owners even try to artificially provoke this state, but such actions can harm the animal. If you do not change the microclimate, the turtle will do well without hibernation.