Hidden syphilis

Latent syphilis is a kind of the course of the disease, which is transmitted sexually and is caused by pale treponema (a household form of syphilis transmission is extremely rare). The latent form of syphilis does not have clinical manifestations inherent in this disease, however, in a laboratory study, characteristic changes are revealed. We will try to answer in detail the questions about how latent syphilis is transmitted and what signs, and how to treat it.

Hidden syphilis - signs and varieties

As it was said before, the primary way of transferring latent syphilis - sexual (during sexual contact from an infected partner), is rarely a household way of transmission (through personal items: linens, dishes). Isolate early latent syphilis, when after the moment of infection, less than two years have passed. And also latent late syphilis, when more than two years have passed from the moment of infection. If the infection time can not be established, the patient is diagnosed with: unspecified latent syphilis. Detection of latent leaking syphilitic infection often occurs during preventive examinations or when the patient seeks a doctor for another disease.

The diagnosis of latent syphilis is established on the basis of a characteristic anamnesis and the results of a laboratory study ( Wasserman's reaction ).

Treatment of latent syphilis

If a latent syphilis is found in the patient, the dermatovenereologist will prescribe the treatment. It is mandatory to prescribe antibiotics (penicillin, bicillin-3, bicillin-5), immunomodulators and physiotherapy. It is recommended to have a long course of vitamin therapy (multivitamins), immunomodulators ( tincture of echinacea ).

Of physiotherapy, patients with latent syphilis are prescribed applications with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents, as well as warm baths with medicinal herbs. After the course of the therapy, the patient should be registered for five years (with periodic research on RW).

Thus, latent syphilis is the result of a promiscuous sexual life (frequent change of sexual partners, non-use of contraception). The danger of this pathology is that, despite the absence of characteristic skin manifestations, the destructive effect of the pale spirochete on the patient's body remains. Therefore, careful treatment of their health is the best preventive measure.