Hormonal spiral

This type of contraceptive , like the hormonal spiral, refers to intrauterine devices used to prevent the onset of pregnancy. A distinctive feature of it from conventional intrauterine spirals is the presence of a special plastic cylinder inside which the levonorgestrel hormone is contained. It is thanks to him that the reliability of such a contraceptive increases at times and exceeds 98%.

How does the intrauterine hormone spiral work?

Every day a small dose of the above hormone is released from the spiral. Getting into the bloodstream, this biological substance helps to change the hormonal background, which in turn inhibits the process of ovulation .

If we talk about the names of hormonal spirals, among them, most often use Mirena, Levonova.

Can everyone use such a contraceptive?

There are contraindications for the use of the hormonal spiral and not all women can use this method of contraception. It is before its installation that the doctor conducts a thorough examination, and also appoints a survey.

If we talk about specific factors that may be an obstacle to the use of the spiral, then among them the following are distinguished:

What side effects can occur?

Most women, using a hormonal spiral, think only about how not to get better from it. In fact, this is by far not the most dangerous side effect, and in practice only those who use this remedy for a long time (more than 1 year) face weight gain. Recall that some spirals can be used for 5 years after installation.

Based on the same side effects, which give the woman a lot of problems, are:

Thus, taking into account all the above, regardless of what types of hormonal spirals women are not used to prevent pregnancy, their installation must necessarily be agreed with the doctor-gynecologist.