Acute endometritis

Acute endometritis is a purulent-infectious process affecting the epithelium or smooth musculature of the uterus. The disease develops against a background of reduced immunity, in situations where the body is unable to resist the pathogen. Acute endometritis occurs as a result of the formation of erosions or wounds on the mucous membrane of the uterus.

Most susceptible to this ailment of a woman during the period of hormonal changes - menopause, the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the postpartum period. The main reasons for the violation of a holistic epithelial cover in acute endometrium include the following:

Symptoms of acute endometritis

Symptoms of acute endometritis, in contrast to the chronic form, are always expressed clearly, which allows you to quickly diagnose the disease and begin treatment. The main signs of the disease:

Treatment of acute endometritis

The treatment of acute endometritis is based on the intake of antimicrobials. Since a large number of pathogens can cause inflammation, patients are prescribed broad spectrum antibiotics. As an additional therapy, physiotherapy, the intake of vitamins and wound healing drugs are used.

In the absence of medical care, the disease can flow into a subacute form. This complicates the diagnosis and treatment. Subacute endometritis is characterized by similar acute symptoms, but they are less pronounced:

Subacute endometritis is a transitional stage from the acute form to the chronic endometritis . The course of the disease is usually prolonged. Treatment of subacute endometritis necessarily involves potent antibiotics and immunostimulants.

For the prevention of endometritis, a woman should pay careful attention to her health. Regularly visit a gynecologist, promptly treat inflammatory diseases, and not just the genital area. And after medical interventions, in the postpartum period, carefully observe personal hygiene, avoid increased stresses, hypothermia at a time until the uterine mucosa has healed after childbirth or intrauterine manipulation.