Transparent discharge before monthly

Transparent discharge before menstruation is not observed in all girls. However, in most cases they should not be cause for concern. The thing is that thus the glands of the vagina moisten the mucous membranes of the genital tract, preventing possible infection of the reproductive organs. Let's take a closer look at this issue and tell you why there can be clear, sometimes abundant discharge before the menstrual period.

How does the consistency, volume and color of vaginal discharge vary during the menstrual cycle?

As a rule, even before the girl starts the first month (about 1 year), they begin to notice the appearance of clear watery discharge. Thus, the reproductive system is prepared for menstruation, so their appearance should not cause concern.

In general, the consistency and amount of excretions in women can vary, and depends on such factors as: hormonal background, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the nature of sexual life. So, for example, during the ovulatory process and just before menstruation, vaginal discharge increases in volume.

Liquid, clear discharge before menstruation should never be accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning. Otherwise, this may indicate a gynecological disorder.

Transparent, stretching discharge, similar to the gel, usually do not appear before the most mild (1-2 days), but in 2 half menstrual cycle and are not pathological.

When the clear discharge before the menstrual period is the reason for going to the doctor?

Having dealt with whether there can be clear discharge before the monthly in the norm, it is necessary to say and in what cases this phenomenon can be regarded as a sign of the disease.

So, if the watery discharge from the vagina is very abundant, there are impurities of pus, blood, unpleasant odor or curdled consistency, accompanied by burning, it is most often a symptom of an infectious disease of the reproductive system, which requires urgent examination and treatment.