The causes of thrush in women

There are many reasons why women develop a disease such as thrush. This disease occurs quite often, and in medical practice is called "candidymycosis." Consider the most common reasons why women develop thrush.

Hormonal failure - the cause of thrush development

Often, this disease develops directly at a time when the female body, for one reason or another, there is a failure in the hormonal system. Quite often cases of thrush are observed before menstruation, namely - after ovulation, the main reasons for which are an increase in the hormone of progesterone in the blood and an increase in temperature, which is already a consequence, and creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of the fungus.

Quite often, the development of candidamycosis is associated with natural hormonal bursts in the body, which include:

What diseases can cause thrush?

The therapeutic process of cancer, accompanied by the use of immunosuppressors and the conduct of a whole course of chemotherapy, can also be accompanied by the development of candidamycosis.

Also, one of the reasons for the appearance of thrush in women, is the presence of a chronic disease, in particular the organs of the genitourinary system. So kandidamikoz it is quite often observed at such diseases, as a chronic pyelonephritis, a cystitis . Due to the violation of the microflora of the vagina, thrush also joins the existing diseases.

In women of mature age, the appearance of the disease can be the result of the development of diabetes mellitus . That is why, when the first symptoms appear (white curdled discharge, itching, burning), it is necessary to consult a doctor and take a blood test for sugar.

Long-term use of antibiotics is the main cause of thrush

Many girls, after taking antibiotics, do not know why they have thrush. In this case, the appearance, development and growth of fungus is a consequence of dysbiosis, which is not uncommon with antibiotics. This fact is explained by the fact that the "storage tank" for the candida fungus is the intestine, from which, if the microflora is disturbed, it penetrates into other organs.

Thrush, as a frequent companion of pregnancy

Frequent cases of the emergence of thrush during pregnancy, the main causes of which are the violation of the hormonal background and changes in the microflora of the vagina. Everyone knows that with the emergence of pregnancy in a woman in the body begins hormonal restructuring, often leading to a violation of the balance. As a result of the synthesis of a large amount of the hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, there is a hormonal imbalance, which eventually leads to a disturbance of the normal vaginal microflora. In addition, frequent discharge, which is observed in pregnant women, also contribute to the reproduction of the fungus.

Frequent stress, as a cause of candidaemia

Speaking of thrush, it is impossible not to mention the psychological causes of its development. Chronic fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, in the end negatively affect the work of the nervous system of a woman. As a result - hormonal failure, which leads to the development of candidiasis.

Thus, the reasons for the appearance in women of such a disease as thrush are the most diverse. That is why, it is often impossible to establish exactly why this pathology appeared, and doctors have no choice but to fight, first of all, with the disease itself, and not with the causes of its occurrence.