Baby hiccups in abdomen

Pregnancy and childbirth are always accompanied by a mass of new sensations, sometimes even frightening. Approximately to the second (sometimes third) trimester, a woman begins to feel strange tremors in the abdomen, not just wiggling or contractions of the uterus, but "jumping" rhythmic twitchings. They can last several minutes (sometimes up to half an hour), some feel such tremors a couple of times a week, and some have to endure it and a couple of times a day. If something similar is experienced, you, it is likely that the baby is hiccuping in the abdomen. The child can start hiccup somewhere from the 26th week of pregnancy to 37 weeks, but the fear that the baby will turn over when hiccups and "sit on the ass" can be safely weeded out: hiccups are just a contraction of the diaphragm, so it is not capable of turning the child over. Hiccup kid in the abdomen is often worried about my mother, in addition, especially suspicious moms tend to invent themselves terrible diagnoses and possible pathologies that caused hiccups. In fact, you can not even feel if the baby is hanging in the abdomen at all, because the mother can only feel about ten percent of the baby's movements.

Why does the baby hiccup in the stomach?

To date, there is no precise explanation why the fetus hiccups in the abdomen, there are only a few hypotheses based on research:

All doctors agree that if a child hiccups in the abdomen, it is not necessary to sound an alarm, this is absolutely normal phenomenon (the same as yawning, breathing), in addition, discomfort, as a newborn, the baby does not deliver hiccups in the stomach. If you are still worried, why your child hiccups in the abdomen, the shocks are uncomfortable, consult a doctor - it's better than worrying and torturing yourself with constant suspicions. Most likely, he will offer to do some examinations: ultrasound with dopplerometry (by the way, if the crumb at this time, hiccups, you will hear it clearly), you may need to measure the so-called uterine activity and fetal heartbeats. By the way, a child hiccups in the stomach only from the moment when his nervous system is sufficiently developed, and therefore, can control this process. Mom, especially worried about why their baby hiccups in the stomach, you can reassure the following fact: doctors believe that the hiccup is a sign of the baby's health, so that everything is in order with his life activity.

What if the baby often hiccups in the abdomen?

When a child hiccups in the abdomen, he does not feel any discomfort at all, which can not be said about his mother. Women, whose baby often hiccups in the stomach, it is recommended to take a walk in the park outdoors or take cover warmly, if the room is cool, it may be necessary to change the pose and roll over to the other side, some help to kneel and lean on the elbows, sometimes mummies stroke the belly and talk with the baby. In general, try to "negotiate with a crumb," because sometimes a kid hiccups in the stomach several times a day (sometimes at night), but strongly rely on the effectiveness of such methods is not worth it. The future mother should be prepared, it is possible that the hiccup of the baby will remain after birth. Some babies hiccup in the abdomen very often, some do not hiccup, most importantly, that my mother has no reason to worry, just get used to the new sensations and get acquainted with the crumb, so he gives you the signal that everything is in order.