Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

A pregnant woman, due to hormonal adjustment, and also due to her special position, tends to be addicted to tracking any changes that occur in her body. Such attention to one's own sensations and changes in the body is explained by the fears of a woman to miss a possible threat to her current situation.

Almost all women experience tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Not having an idea of ​​what these feelings can be associated with, many of them begin to seriously worry and get nervous. However, it is worth mentioning that this symptom in some cases does not pose any danger for the development of pregnancy, moreover, it is absolutely normal phenomenon, as it reflects the physiological processes in the body.

Tingling in early pregnancy

A slight tingling in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy indicates the adaptation of the abdominal muscles to an enlarged uterus. The elastic press on the body of the woman gradually loses its relief and adapts itself to the shape of the uterus, so as not to interfere with its development. This stretching of the muscles is often accompanied by discomfort in the form of tingling and is especially noticeable during their sharp contractions, for example, when coughing, sneezing or laughing. Often it is tingling in the abdomen that can push a woman with the experience of mom that she is pregnant again. To eliminate the unpleasant sensation of tingling in the lower abdomen, as a rule, rest helps.

Tingling sensations can be troubling due to bloating. Overgrowth of the large intestine as a result of excessive gas generation can provoke even the appearance of pain. Cope with this trouble can help follow the diet for pregnant women and exercise. In some cases, admission of a carminative remedy, such as Espumizana, is acceptable.

Tingling in the uterus during pregnancy in later periods

Tingling in late periods during pregnancy can reflect training bouts. Usually, this is accompanied by the petrification of the uterus, but there is absolutely no pain.

Also tingling can occur as a result of the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. To prevent these uncomfortable sensations, it is recommended to observe the drinking regime in the third trimester, limiting the intake of liquid to 1.5 liters per day, and during the emptying of the bladder.

Tingling in the compartment with pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, accompanied by rhythmic contractions of the uterus, after 37 weeks of gestation usually indicate the onset of labor.

In what cases, tingling in the abdomen during pregnancy should alert?

Tingling in the abdomen is a dangerous symptom, if the woman has such phenomena like:

  1. Vomiting and diarrhea, as well as fever. This symptom complex may indicate an appendicitis, a serious poisoning. At a period of 7-9 weeks, these signs may indicate an ectopic pregnancy and a risk of rupture of the fallopian tube.
  2. Bloody or brown discharge, as well as abundant watery leakage from the vagina. All this can reflect such processes as detachment of the placenta, rupture of the membranes, which poses a serious threat of abortion.
  3. Frequent urination with cuts and burning. These symptoms can indicate the presence of infection in the urinary tract. Pain in the lumbar region may indicate pathological processes in the kidneys.

All of the above cases require immediate treatment of a pregnant woman for emergency medical care, as they can carry a danger to the health and life of the woman and the fetus.