Can I drink chamomile during pregnancy?

Among the medicinal plants the most popular, perhaps, is the chemist's chamomile. This flower has unusually useful properties and is used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In particular, many people use decoctions and infusions of this plant to combat gynecological ailments, digestive tract diseases, dental diseases and in other situations.

In addition, chamomile tea, in contrast to many other traditional medicine, has a pleasant taste and aroma, so it does not cause disgust, and it can be drunk long enough. While waiting for the baby, expectant mothers often worry about whether it is possible to drink broth and chamomile infusion during pregnancy, and whether the flowers of this plant will not harm the unborn baby. In this article we will try to understand this.

Can I drink chamomile during pregnancy?

When asked whether it is possible to drink tea with chamomile during pregnancy, most doctors respond positively, but at the same time they specify that it is strictly recommended not to abuse this medicinal plant. This is due to the fact that the internal reception of chamomile broth stimulates additional production of estrogens in the ovaries. For women who are in an "interesting" position, an overabundance of these hormones can be dangerous, as with an unfavorable combination of circumstances, it can cause an increase in uterine tone, which can provoke miscarriage or the onset of premature birth.

However, moderate consumption of tea made from dried flowers of chamomile is safe and useful throughout the period of pregnancy. In order not to overdo it with the amount of this drink, strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, and in their absence - be limited to two glasses of therapeutic tea per day. Also, pregnant women can without special fears use and infusion of chamomile flowers, except when the drug is prepared for alcohol.

Useful properties of medicines based on chemist's chamomile

Thus, if the dosage of chamomile broth or infusion prescribed by the doctor is not exceeded, this plant can be used to significantly benefit the future mother's organism. In particular, any drug based on chamomile flowers has the following useful actions:

Although pharmacy chamomile is one of the most effective and, at the same time, safe medicinal plants, it is necessary to take it seriously enough. Use the decoctions and infusions of this flower only in situations where there are strong indications for this, and do not abuse these medicinal fluids. In addition, before using any traditional medicine and, in particular, a chemist's chamomile, it is recommended to consult a doctor.