What does lichen look like?

Lishay is a common infectious-parasitic disease caused by viruses and pathogenic fungi. In most cases, the transmission of the disease occurs in a contact-household way, and people with reduced immunity are susceptible to an ailment. The symptoms of depriving depend on the variety of the virus or fungus and the specific reaction of the organism to the causative agent of the disease. Consider what are the main types of disease exist, and also how does lichen in humans.

How does ringworm on the head and face look like?

Infection with ringworm occurs from sick animals or humans. Emerging pink flaky spots with a pronounced rim are located on the scalp, the skin of the face and shoulders. The hair located on the affected areas is broken off due to damage by the fungus of the hair root. After a while, the spots begin to itch, in the center of the formations appear whitish scales, at the edges - bubbles and crusts.

What does pink deprive look like?

The exact causative agent of pink lichen is not detected, but the disease, as a rule, manifests itself in the autumn-winter period, and it affects women more often. On the surface of the skin irregularly formed light brown or pink spots. Locations of localization - stomach, back and other parts of the trunk. Most of all lichen spots in the folds of the skin. Skin itching necessarily accompanies the disease.

What does pityroid (color) deprivation look like?

This type of lichen is caused by fungi, which spread through the body, hitting the back, stomach, chest. Among the factors provoking the disease:

The disease manifests itself in the form of rounded spots, which, merging, form large formless foci. The color of the formations depends on the skin condition: on tanned skin they have a lighter shade, on the light skin they look like darker areas. Gradually, the color of the affected areas becomes brownish, and the skin begins to peel off. Disease can last for years, delivering a person significant aesthetic experiences.

What does the shingles on the body look like?

Shingles cause the herpes virus . Eruptions are observed in the area between the ribs, along the nerves. Less infectious are other parts of the body, but always in places where large nerve trunks pass. The patient feels pain and itching in the area of ​​the chest (or another place affected by the disease). Rashes are small bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Shingles most often affects the elderly and those who are experiencing considerable stress. The disease develops against a background of low immunity.

Attention! Especial danger is represented by the shingles of the eye form. An untreated disease can cause blindness.

What does red lichen planus look like?

As with pink lichen, the causative agent of red flat lichen is not known for today. Most specialists tend to believe that the disease is due to the patient's allergic predisposition. Often provokes the development of the disease, viral infections, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders. Red flat lichen affects the skin, mucous membranes and nails. At the same time, flat bluish-red nodules and soft red tubercles are formed on the skin; on mucous - pale pink formations, sometimes with a grayish tinge; nails change color, fade and crumble. The patient experiences an unbearable itch, while in the places of scratching appear ulcers and erosion.