How to wash a backpack in a washing machine?

School backpacks can compete with tourist backpacks in the matter of frequency and degree of pollution. Anyway, and the question of whether it is possible to wash backpacks in a washing machine and how to do it competently remains relevant.

How to wash a backpack of polyester?

All products of this kind are sewn solely from synthetic fabrics. But synthetic synthetics is different. If you erase a school or teenage backpack of polyester can be in the typewriter, then what about the tourist? Agree, it is much easier to throw a dirty satchel into the machine and take it out completely clean and without unpleasant odors. But to answer unequivocally in the affirmative at the question whether it is possible to wash backpacks in a washing machine, it is impossible.

The problem is a special impregnation, designed for the conditions of constantly high humidity. Therefore, the satchel is covered with a special protective layer. In the typewriter, it will necessarily be broken, since particles of powder or gel necessarily firmly settle in the impregnation. It will not be possible to rinse out, and all the properties will necessarily be lost.

Therefore, there are two options for an answer, how to wash a backpack in a washing machine, depending on its purpose. For the school or teenage knapsack the following is true:

But my tourist pack is only in warm water with my hands, and soap and shavings. The washing time should not exceed twenty minutes, then carefully rinse out the knapsack in cold water.