How to wash the pillow?

A third of a person's life is spent in a dream. The quality of sleep affects our mood and performance. And the quality of the pillow affects the quality of sleep. At first, all the pillows serve you faithfully, but in a year you have to decide how to wash your favorite pillow and not spoil it.

How to wash a down pillow?

The most popular pillow at all times is made from feathers and down. It is possible to wash such a pillow either manually or in a washing machine. Regardless of the size, the laundry will give you a lot of trouble, but you can not avoid it. You can give a pillow to dry cleaning, but having done all the work yourself, you will be assured of its quality. For people prone to allergic rashes, it is better to wash the pillow yourself in a quality and hypoallergenic powder.

  1. Washing the feather pillow by hand. The ideal option would be to pour out the contents of the pillow for winter frost. Thus, our grandmothers washed and refreshed the pillows. Today, this method is not very easy to use. First you need to choose a quality fabric for the new napernika. The most suitable for such purposes is tick. Prepare a pillowcase made of fine fabric (the calico is quite suitable), it should be twice the size of the napernik: in it we will dry the feathers. After you sew a new napernik, you can rip open the old one. Beforehand, prepare a basin with soapy water. Lower the fluff into the water gradually and slowly. Soak the feathers for at least two hours, then the unpleasant smells will disappear and the contents of the pillow will be cleared. Drain the water in a colander. In a colander, you can wash the feathers under running water. Repeat the procedure with soaking. Now, again, wash the feathers under the stream of water and pour into the pillowcase. It must be tied to a knot or sewed. Put the pillowcase with the fluff in the machine and set the spin mode. After pressing, shake feathers thoroughly and send to dry in the sun on a well ventilated balcony.
  2. How to wash a down pillow in a washing machine. As with hand washing, you should prepare in advance the pillowcases for washing the feathers. A large pillow should be stripped and divided into several parts. A small pillow can be washed and in the "native" napernik. Make sure that only one pillow is not loaded in the machine, at high drum speeds, the machine will not be able to correctly distribute the laundry and this will have a detrimental effect on its details. It is better to wash the pillow with the rest of the things. At what temperature should I wash the pillow? It is enough to turn on the delicate mode and 60 ° C. Dry outdoors under the hot sun. Do not forget to shake the pillow periodically and turn it over.

How to wash a pillow from holofayber?

Before you wash the pillow from the holofayber, carefully study all the signs on the label on the side. Typically, the manufacturer recommends delicate washing in a washing machine. Unfortunately, very often after machine washing, the fluffy filler is lost in lumps. To sleep on such a pillow is simply inconvenient. It is better to wash such a pillow by hand. In a bowl with warm water, add mild detergent. Excellent fit your shampoo. Dip a pillow there and leave a minimum for half an hour. Gently wring it out and leave to dry in a well-ventilated place after all the glass water. This washing is very neat with respect to the filler and will extend the life of the pillow. In this case, the pillowcase can remain dirty. Before you wash the pillowcase in the typewriter, you need to rip out the pillow and shake the filler into the basin. Now you can safely wash the pillowcase or replace it with a new one.