Teenage Suicide

Adolescence is one of the most difficult in a person's life, since it is during this period that the formation of the personality as a whole, its value orientations and life priorities is completed. In addition, there is an active sexual development, which is characterized by changes in the hormonal balance. And along with the hormones "jumps" and the mood: there is irritability, aggression, tearfulness. Yesterday's children become more impressionable, they react sharply to seemingly mediocre things. Therefore, when they encounter problems, they are often simply lost, because they do not have the experience of solving complex life situations. In especially vulnerable and sensitive adolescents, in such cases, thoughts of suicide may arise.

According to statistics, suicide is most often committed by adolescents aged 10 to 14 years. It is a mistake to think that suicide among teenagers is the fate of immigrants from disadvantaged families. Most often, children from outwardly well-off families are prone to such destructive behavior. But what pushes them to such a terrible step?

Causes of suicide in adolescents

  1. Unrequited love. Yes, it can happen in 10 years. And for the girl (or the boy) it will be a real tragedy that the object of adoration does not look in her direction. Reasonable arguments that "such Sasha will be a million more" are not perceived, the child does not care what will happen in the future, he lives here and now. Adolescents are prone to maximalism, they need all or nothing. If they can not get what they want, they choose "nothing" ...
  2. Impotence. If a teenager finds himself in difficult circumstances, to fight with which he is not able, he can choose suicide as a way to solve his problem.
  3. To attract attention. If a child is lonely and deprived of attention, he can try to attract him to himself in this way. Often, guided by this reason, a teenager can stage a suicide attempt, since in fact, death is not his plan.
  4. Manipulation. For the purpose of manipulating loved ones, there are also often false, demonstrative attempts to get out of life. "Here I shall die - and you will understand how wrong", the child thinks. If such attempts reach real death, then only in case of negligence.
  5. Feeling of own uselessness. With him, most often encounter vulnerable teenagers, with a subtle spiritual organization. Their complex inner world is difficult for adults to understand, peers do not accept it and consider it an outcast.

When should you be close to being close?

Teenage suicide can be both planned, thoughtful, and spontaneous, affective. Often preceded by the following manifestations:

  1. The child is closed, he has no friends and he is not frank with his parents.
  2. The child suddenly appears apathy and indifference to everything.
  3. The child is inclined to hypochondria, thinks out "terrible" illnesses.
  4. The child draws pictures in the imagination and asks about what will happen when he dies.
  5. The child suddenly starts distributing to friends and acquaintances expensive things for him.

All these signs are disturbing symptoms. Often this indicates that the teenager has already decided everything and now plans and chooses the time.

Prevention of suicide among adolescents is a paramount task for parents. It is important to monitor the state of mind and behavior of the child, to note the changes that occur. In order to avoid tragedy, it is important from the birth to form a trusting relationship in the family. Do not dismiss children's problems, even if they seem to you a trifle - the child on this account a different opinion. Teach a child to express his feelings, and not shut up, for this personal example is important - show what you feel yourself.

Remember that a teenager should not be afraid to share with you his problems and experiences. Warm, trusting relationships and unconditional acceptance can prevent a suicide problem among adolescents.