Black Butterfly - a sign

Since ancient times, most people believe that butterflies are the souls of the dead, and therefore they can not be killed in any case: it threatens serious trouble. But we live in a world full of light, and colorful butterflies are frequent guests in gardens and gardens. True, sometimes they fly into our homes, and there's nothing to worry about when a bright wingless guest sits on a man's arm or head. And if a black butterfly flew into the apartment - what does this signify about it?

Signs about black butterflies

In the interpretation of their appearance in the house there are some discrepancies.

  1. According to some, the appearance of a black butterfly is not considered any serious warning of future troubles.
  2. Others believe that a butterfly of black color is a harbinger of large losses and major troubles.
  3. If a black butterfly has flown through a window, a sign warns that unpleasant news can "fly in" very soon, so you have to be extremely careful and attentive.
  4. "The amount of negativity", so to speak, which a butterfly can bring to life, is said to directly depend on the size of the insect. Therefore, the smaller it is, the easier it will be to overcome troubles.

It is important to understand how the dark butterfly that has flown into the room behaves, this sign has such an interpretation:

  1. If she flew in, sat on an object and quietly sits, then the unpleasant news that you will become known can pass if you do not take any active action.
  2. When an insect rushes around the apartment and beats out the window, troubles will actively influence your life and cause discord, scandals and lead to great losses.
  3. A black butterfly, winding over the head of a particular person, promises him serious problems in life. At the same time it is wrong to think that she necessarily predicts death, but you need to be ready for major troubles.