Landing onions and garlic for the winter

Both onions and garlic have become so familiar on our tables that it is difficult to imagine our lives without them. That is why the issue of the most effective cultivation of these crops is so relevant for most gardeners. On the technology of properly planting onion and garlic for the winter, we'll talk today.

Technology of planting garlic for winter

As you know, garlic is winter and spring. Theoretically, planting for winter and spring garlic is possible, but the likelihood of its death from autumn frosts is high, since it has less resistance to frost than winter crops. The optimal time for planting garlic for the winter is from mid-September to mid-October, but it is necessary to make corrections for local climatic conditions. Plant garlic is only when night temperatures fall below the mark of +10 degrees, otherwise it will not only take root, but will also start to grow, and this is fraught with its death at the onset of cold weather. Under winter, garlic is planted according to the scheme of 10 * 15, choosing for this purpose well-lit and sheltered areas from water stagnation.

The technology of planting onions for the winter

Although planting onions for the winter and not as common as spring, many gardeners fully appreciated all its advantages. First, it allows you to put in operation a small unconditioned onion, which usually dries up during winter storage. Secondly, the onion grown on this technology gives much less arrows and practically does not suffer from the onion fly invasion. Thirdly, such a bow is not afraid of weeds, since it manages to make them appear not only from the ground, but also to grow stronger.

Technology of autumn planting onions is as follows:

  1. For autumn planting is suitable for onion-sowing with a diameter of not more than 1 cm. Planting under the winter can be any variety, zoned for a given area. Planting material before planting is sorted, sorting by size and removing the spoiled and questionable bulbs.
  2. A bed for winter onions is taken away on sunny, elevated plots, protected from flooding. Before planting, the soil on the bed is fertilized by introducing potassium-phosphorus fertilizers or an infusion of ash.
  3. Such a bow is usually planted in grooves 5 cm deep, maintaining intervals of 6-8 cm between bulbs and 10-15 cm between grooves.
  4. With the onset of the first frost, the bed is covered with a layer of lapnika or fallen leaves, in order to avoid the onion becoming freezing.