Aerobic workouts

Aerobics, the word is still popular, and aerobic exercise is recommended to include in the program of sports if you want to lose weight or just improve your physical condition. But what is aerobic training and what it eats, and most importantly, that after it is eaten, we will understand together.

Why do we need aerobic training?

Well, first, aerobic exercise is a lesson, during which the muscles require more oxygen, and, consequently, the cardiovascular system is also working more intensively. Therefore, with regular workloads of this kind, the work of the heart improves significantly, and the appearance will also benefit from these exercises. Even if there is any chronic disease, this does not mean that you can forget about aerobics, you can always choose the type and intensity of the load that is right for you. However, in the event of having health problems, or if you have not previously engaged in any sports, you will need to talk with your doctor. He will be able to give you recommendations on how best to make your program of aerobic training.

Aerobic Training Program

When drawing up an aerobic exercise program, you need to decide on three main points:

At the same time, consider that if the load is average, then you need to practice 5 times a week for at least half an hour. If you plan the maximum load, then the optimal for you will be classes 3 times a week for 20 minutes or more. For loads of moderate intensity, sport walking, dancing, cycling on level ground, swimming can be included. And high intensity loads will be given to you: jogging, climbing a mountain bike, dancing aerobics, long-distance swimming, climbing a mountain with a cargo of 12 kg or moving on a level ground cargo of 20 kg. When training, consider the maximum heart rate that is acceptable for your age. It can be calculated by the formula: 226 minus your age. This is the maximum heart rate that you can have during training, but you need to strive for a different size. We are interested in the so-called target heart rate, in which training is most beneficial to the body. The upper threshold of the target heart rate is 75% of the maximum. And remember that you need to enter and exit the training gradually, that is, do not forget about the warm-up at the beginning and end of aerobic training. If you forget the warm-up at the beginning of classes, you can get stretches and more serious injuries, if you neglect the warm-up at the end of the workout, you can get dizzy and even faint. And of course, about proper nutrition before and after aerobic training, too, should not be forgotten.

Meals before and after training

Everyone understands that you need to train at least an hour and a half after eating. But how to be after training, especially if you want to lose weight? Just reward the body with something delicious is not worth it. No, of course you will say thank you to the stomach, but in this case you will receive energy from the food you just received, and the fat where you stayed there. But you can not eat anything at all, the starving organism will begin to destroy not only fat, but also protein, and this is our muscles. So you still need to eat, but after about an hour and a half after training and only food rich in protein, the content of fats and carbohydrates in it should be minimal. Or you can 20 minutes after class, drink a protein cocktail and eat a vegetable salad. And after 2 hours after a snack, you can include in your menu foods rich in carbohydrates. And besides proper nutrition after aerobic training, do not forget about drinking during it. This can and should be done, so, when going to aerobics, take water or juices with you.

Often, harmonious development is advised to combine aerobic and strength training, as well as endurance training, the so-called anaerobic. But if you are in the gym for the first time, while you have nothing to pamper except the aerobic loads, the body is not worth it.