Gymnastics for the abdomen and waist

I am sure that many women dream that her waist and stomach are in great shape. To realize this dream you need to eat right and play sports. There is a special gymnastics for the abdomen and waist, which we will talk about. Do it regularly, preferably every other day, and each time try to increase the number of repetitions. There is also a breathing gymnastics for the waist, the main principle of which is that when the muscles have to exhale in tension, and when the breath is relaxed. Now let's go directly to the exercises.

Swing the press

Lie on the floor, knees bend so that the main emphasis of your body is on the heels. Hand your hands behind your head and fasten them in the lock. Your task is to exhale to lift the upper part of the trunk, and lower it by inhaling. Rise so that the angle between the head and body is about 30 °. Do about 12 reps. This is an obligatory exercise in any gymnast complex for the waist.

Complicated press

Now we will complicate the first exercise a little. You need to tear off the heels from the floor and alternately elbow to the knee. Do about 20 repetitions.


Everyone is famous and very popular exercise. Lean on socks and elbows, while your body should be in a straight position. In such a rack, you need to stay for 1 minute. To complicate this exercise, you can lift first one leg, and then the other. If you perform this exercise daily, then in a month you will see an excellent result. By the way, in the complex of gymnastics for the waist and hips, too, there is such an exercise.

Inclination with load

Stand up straight, and place your feet at shoulder level, pick up dumbbells or liter bottles of water. Raise your hands up and bend them slightly at the elbows. Now alternately lean that to the right, then to the left, try not to feed the body forward. Do about 20 repetitions. This gymnastics for the belly and sides will help you look at 100%.