Aphid on a peach - how to fight?

The most common pest on the peach is aphids, especially such species: large peach, black and green. In the fight against aphids on a peach in gardening, there are various methods.

In the article we will consider agrotechnical, mechanical, chemical and biological methods how to deal with aphids on a peach. Signs of the appearance of aphids:


Green aphid on a peach is harmful to young seedlings. Since their activity causes discoloration, wrinkling and indiscriminate twisting of the leaves at the top, the flowers fall and dry up.

A large peach aphid sucks the juice from the bark and branches, if it is heavily contaminated, the bark will be wet and sticky, the upper leaves will tightly wrap around and blush, may even fall early.

Black peach aphids inhabit the crown of trees in spring, and at the beginning of summer can fly to other crops, especially beans. Since the colony of black aphid on the peach is made up of individuals of the female sex, they multiply very quickly, which, in addition to the above mentioned harm, can lead to the appearance of a black fungus on the tree.

Agrotechnical and mechanical methods of struggle

Before treating aphids with aphids by various chemical means one must use such simple agrotechnical and mechanical methods:

Chemical methods of fighting aphids on peaches

These methods consist in the selection of effective pesticides, than you can sprinkle a peach from aphids:

  1. Before winter - 2% solution of Bordeaux liquid .
  2. Before and after flowering - a solution of choice: 1% Bordeaux fluid, 0.8% thiosol 80 together with 0.12% fostiola H40, 0.15% vofatoksa 30, 0.15% dipteraxa, 0.1% sevnom 85. Repeat in two weeks.
  3. During the formation of buds - Confidor 0.25 l / ha.
  4. At the first appearance, but not at ripening of fruits - 0,2% by solutions of Bi-58 or Dursban.
  5. For regular fighting, 8 ml of Aktofit is diluted in a liter of water and 0.02% of liquid soap is added, re-treatment is possible no sooner than after 15-20 days, it is better to conduct before the beginning of leaf twisting.
  6. Against black aphids - 0.1% solution of thiophos or phosphamide, as well as nicotine sulfate and 0.2% solution of anabasine with laundry soap or lime.
  7. To destroy the overwintered aphids, before bud blossoming, 0.5% solution of DNOC, it can be done once in two years.

Biological methods of fighting aphids on peaches

There are less dangerous means, than it is possible to poison aphids on a peach - these are biological. Effective in the fight against aphids broths and infusions of tomatoes, dandelion, bitter bell pepper, garlic and onion husks.

  1. Infusion of a dandelion: 400 g of leaves or 200 g of plants with roots pour 10 liters of warm water, leave for 2 hours, strain and spray.
  2. Infusion of garlic: 200-300 g of garlic chop through garlic or meat grinder, dilute in 10 liters of water, leave for 20 minutes, drain, spray with fresh solution.
  3. Decoction of onion husk : for 10 liters of water take 100-150 g of onion peel and insist for 4-5 days, infusion strain, add 50 g of soap and sprinkle trees immediately.
  4. Decoction of tomatoes: 2 kg of dry, harvested from autumn, the tops soak in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes, then boil for the same time. Every 2 liters of broth stir in a bucket of water and add 40 g of soap.

Of course, in order to get a more useful harvest, it is better not to allow the appearance of aphids on peach leaves using such preventive measures as the introduction of wood ashes and mineral fertilizers, which will increase resistance to peach aphids.