Feng Shui for raising money

According to ancient Chinese teaching, money is energy, which can be paid for items from the material world. According to the law of Feng Shui, when energy gathers a lot, it turns into a long-awaited material. If to speak easier, after receiving the salary people go to buy the required things and products.

However, quite often a person in order to attract a sufficient amount of money energy, it is necessary to spend unnecessarily a lot of time and effort. It is in this case that you should use feng shui to attract money. This will enable you to have more financial resources that will make any occupation pleasant and satisfying. But for this it is necessary to help the necessary energy to pass into the material world, which can be done with the help of "generators of well-being", namely Feng Shui talismans for money. Let us consider only some of them.

Feng Shui Toad for money

This talisman, which is a three-lipped toad with a coin in your mouth, is considered to be one of the strongest in the East. He should stand with his back to the front door, as if a toad had just jumped into a house or room. After acquiring a talisman, it must be immersed in water for a day. It is worth remembering that in the process of using a toad, it must be periodically dipped in moisture, thereby restoring its forces spent on attracting money.

"Money tree" as one of the rules of feng shui for money

In order to keep the financial well-being in the house, it is worth to acquire such an indoor plant as a shine or a fat woman. Its round, coin-like leaves, accumulate moisture and the fertile energy of money on feng shui, which then transforms into welfare. Once a month, when the moon enters the growth phase, the tree needs to be shaken, helping it to "dump" its accumulated well-being. It is desirable that the plant planted the owner of the house, not forgetting to put three coins under its root.

Chen Loban - keeper of money feng shui

The owner or keeper of money Chen Loban is considered one of the most revered Chinese amulets. It must be located only in those places where family savings are kept. It is believed that the presence of this talisman contributes not only to the safety of money, but also to their augmentation, prevents unreasonable waste and the flow of funds. There is also a belief that the statue of Chen Loban must be inherited, thereby exerting its strength and the financial condition of the descendants.

Purse for money on feng shui

When choosing a temporary "home" for financial means, it is necessary to be guided by the following rules:

To enhance the influence of all these nuances will help the original talismans for wallets. This can be the first money earned by your own work or a coin. It is better if it is one dollar or a hundred "green". Also, you can smear it a little with honey, so that the money literally clings to a coin or a piece of paper.