Image of a business woman

The phrase "business woman" is popular the last few years. In today's world, where women and men swear equal rights, business women are so many that it is more difficult to find, for example, a housewife.

The image of a business woman should always be on top, because it must always be successful. The psychology of a business woman is significantly different from the psychology of the average woman.

Successful and wealthy sometimes lucky enough to be born, and sometimes it becomes according to life circumstances. The image of a business woman of the first category appears already in childhood. Such small women seek to gain prestige among their peers, they often make friends with boys, strive to achieve their goals in everything, are successful in their studies. Also, women of the first category advocate gender equality and equal treatment, both for men and for women.

A modern business woman of the second category came to realize the necessity of her career growth due to the negative circumstances in her life (it was necessary to raise her child's feet, unsuccessful marriage, etc.).

What skills and business communication skills you have not had, you should remember that the qualities of a business woman should always be improved. Let's consider the basic rules of business etiquette.

Business etiquette of a woman

  1. The style of your communication. The language of your gestures, the position of the body should always express respect for the partner, a sense of self-confidence, whether business is a conversation or an ordinary meeting with the bosses. The success of your affairs depends in the most part on the attitude of your employees and subordinates towards you and your attitude towards them, in turn. The best option is to keep your back straight, and your gesticulation should be in the comfort zone for you. A handbag is best placed near or behind you. If you put your purse on your knees, you will get the impression that you are closing, thus, from your interlocutor, creating a barrier in communication. During the greeting when meeting a stranger, raise your hand so that it can be shaken or kissed. The choice of the action for your interlocutor.
  2. List of rules. To maintain the height of your affairs, create a small list of rules that you need to strictly adhere to. For example, do not communicate on personal topics with whom you are doing business. The workplace should be working, regardless of the romantic nature of your nature. Teach yourself to follow every little detail (wishes for a good day, etc.). It is from small things that the whole impression is formed about you.
  3. Appearance. Nobody canceled the old wisdom, according to which they meet on clothes. Show restraint in your style. Keep hands and nails well-groomed.

Psychology of business women

It is worth noting that the scientists of the Harvard Business School were able to determine what the psychology of a business woman really is.

  1. These women have a bright personality, they knowingly, with dignity, bear the beautiful title of a woman, excluding masculinity, coldness and stiffness.
  2. They show collegiality, making decisions, willingly delegate their powers.
  3. Business women are able to quickly switch from several social roles (business woman, leader) to another (loving wife, caring mother, daughter).
  4. They are sure that their family, close people will always understand them, support and help, in which case.

So, being a business woman is not always easy, but there are positive aspects to this. The most important thing is not to forget that sometimes you have to be an ordinary woman who will always find support in the person of close people.