Proper breathing during labor

If a woman wants to reduce pain during labor, she should learn to breathe properly. This ability will not allow the use of anesthetics, which can have a negative impact on the child.

Preparation for childbirth: breathing

Knowledge of how to breathe at different stages of labor will significantly facilitate the passage of labor for the woman herself. For example, at the initial stage it is recommended to use deep breathing. It allows the woman to relax. And the need to perform inspiration and exhalations with constant counting will distract from anxious thoughts and unpleasant sensations.

Performing deep breathing, inhale through the nose. It should be long and calm. There should be a sense of gradual filling of the entire volume of the lung with air. Exhale exhale without the slightest effort, slowly, through the mouth. In the process of breathing, the chest and abdominal muscles take part. By the way, the work of the abdominal muscles will provoke a small change in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which once again stimulates contractions of the uterus.

Deep breathing saturates the blood with oxygen. This fact will favorably affect both childbirth and the baby. At the next stage, when contractions begin to acquire pain, breathing should become superficial, creating the effect of natural anesthesia. In the interval between contractions, measured breathing is shown, restoring the strength of the woman in labor.

When the critical moment comes, the child descends through the birth canal, competent breathing during childbirth will allow the woman to behave correctly and not allow attempts before the necessary time. But about 70% of the effectiveness of attempts, just depends on how skillfully a woman fills her lungs with air and how timely it releases from the lungs.

Lessons of breathing during labor

There are several techniques of breathing during childbirth.

  1. A candle is a fairly frequent and shallow breathing. Inhalation should be performed through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth. The correct breathing during labor appears as if you blow out a candle located just in front of your lips. The exhalations and exhalations continue throughout the fight. Approximately 20 seconds after performing this type of breathing, a woman will feel a slight dizziness. This is due to a significant release of endorphins, which reduce the pain syndrome.
  2. A large candle is another option, as one should breathe during childbirth. The technique of execution is the same as in the previous method, just breathing takes place with great effort. Exhalation is performed through a practically compressed mouth, and inhaling, as if trying to "breathe out" the nose when stuffed. This breathing technique is used when giving birth, if the "candles" for reducing pain are not enough.
  3. Locomotive - perform during the opening of the cervix. The contractions are very intense at this moment, they come with a periodicity of about 60 seconds. The duration of contractions is between 40 seconds and up to one minute. In this case, the correct breathing during labor helps the fight "breathe". The technique consists of "Candle" and "Big Candle". At the beginning of the fight, the first type of breathing is used. As the fight intensifies, the breathing of a woman giving birth increases. When the fight starts to subside, the breath calms down.
  4. At the end of the fight, using the right breathing during childbirth of any type, you need to take a deep breath through your nose and, also, breathe deeply through your mouth. This exercise will allow you to relax and rest for a while in anticipation of the next fight.