Routine cesarean section

Caesarean section is not a rare occurrence. And although there is no particular danger, some nuances of this operation still need to be known in order to prevent trouble. Caesarean section is emergency and planned. And if in the first case, nothing depends on the woman, then in the second - to the planned cesarean section it is possible and necessary to prepare.

Indications for planned caesarean section

How will the planned cesarean section be performed and whether it is necessary at all, is decided only by the attending physician. There are relative and absolute indications. In the first case, as a rule, doctors are informed of the danger of giving birth naturally, and the future mother herself makes a choice.

As for absolute indications, everything is much more complicated in this matter. If the mother was given a compulsory cesarean, the refusal of surgery and childbirth in a natural way can lead to serious complications and even death.

Situations and conditions, when they do planned cesarean, a lot. Here are some of them:

Also, a planned cesarean is prescribed for pelvic presentation of the fetus, since this arrangement is considered a pathology, which entails a number of complications. As for multiple pregnancy, it is not an absolute reason for surgical intervention. Therefore, planned elective cesarean, for example, with double appoint only in the case of the above indications.

Preparing for elective caesarean section

As a rule, the period in which the planned cesarean section is performed is known in advance. When asked about how many weeks they spend planned cesarean, all obstetrician-gynecologists will answer unequivocally - as close to the term of natural birth.

As a rule, a week before the due date, a woman is hospitalized. During this time, additional tests are carried out, the condition of the fetus and the future mother is examined. If there is no reason for fear, and the whole pregnancy is normal, then the woman can go to the hospital a few days before the scheduled operation or even on the same day.

Features of the operation

When appointing a planned cesarean, the woman should discuss with the attending physician all the details: the type of anesthesia in Caesarean section , the incision, the procedure and the preparation for the operation, the rehabilitation period. So, for example, on the day of caesarean section, one can not eat and drink, because at the time of surgery, leftovers of food from the stomach can get into the respiratory tract.

As for anesthesia, the operation was previously performed under general anesthesia, and to date, as a rule, spinal anesthesia is used. After such anesthesia, the woman does not feel pain in the lower part of the body, but remains conscious that she can see the baby after birth.

It is necessary to discuss with the attending physician how the cesarean section will occur, namely, what kind of incision will be used. As a rule, in the planned operation, the doctor removes the child, making a horizontal incision - the so-called "smile". The vertical incision is used only during emergency caesarean or in the case when something went wrong on the planned operation.

In any case, a cesarean section is not a whim of a woman who is afraid to give birth naturally, but an involuntary need. Those who knowingly choose such a surgical intervention, you should know that the rehabilitation period after cesarean section is much more complicated than after the usual birth.