Pain between the shoulder blades in the spine

This symptom, like pain between the shoulder blades in the spine, is quite common and can bother people of different ages. Recognize the cause of this phenomenon is sometimes not easy, and the patient has to consult with doctors of various specializations, undergo numerous examinations for the diagnosis. This is due to the fact that this symptom is not necessarily a manifestation of the pathology of the spine, as the patients themselves often believe, but can also testify about diseases of the internal organs.

Causes of pain between the shoulder blades in the spine

Consider the main, most common causes of this symptom.

Osteocondritis of the spine

In this degenerative-dystrophic disease, in which the intervertebral discs are affected, the pain in the vertebra between the scapula is permanent, aching. Pain is worse with physical exertion, sudden movements, and numbness of limbs is also often observed.

Myositis of the muscles of the back

This is an inflammation of the muscles that can develop as a result of hypothermia , infectious diseases, physical overstrain, etc.

The disease can be acute or chronic. With the localization in the thoracic spine, there is an acute pain under the shoulder blades, a decrease in the mobility of the muscles.

Shoulder-flap periarthritis

A fairly common pathology, in which the tissues surrounding the shoulder joint are affected. Painful sensations at the same time focus, mainly in the shoulder area, but can give in the shoulder blades, neck, neck.

Bechterew's disease

This is a systemic joint disease, which also affects the ligamentous apparatus of the spine. The pain syndrome affects the lumbar region, between the shoulder blades, etc., the pain is more intense after sleeping in the morning and at rest. There is stiffness of movements, muscle tension.

Intervertebral hernia in the thoracic spine

With this pathology, displacement and protrusion of the pulpous nucleus of the intervertebral disc occurs. Characterized by constant girdling pain between the scapula, worsening with a change in the position of the spine, with coughing, sudden movements.

Heart pathologies

In this case, it can be ischemic disease, angina, etc. There may be dull, burning pain in the area of ​​the scapula, combined with a feeling of lack of air, squeezing in the chest. Such pains are often stopped when Nitroglycerin is taken.

Inflammation of the lungs or pleura

These pathologies in the acute stage can also be manifested by pain between the scapula, which increases with movement and is accompanied by fever, coughing, and dyspnea .

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

This includes peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. In this case, pain in the abdominal region may be reflected in the inter-shoulder zone of the back. In addition, patients note nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and stool disorders.

Exercises for pain between the shoulder blades

With mild pain, a feeling of heaviness and tension between the shoulder blades associated with the specific work (prolonged exposure in one posture leads to muscle spasm), you can try to eliminate discomfort sensations through simple physical exercises.

For example, in this case it is recommended to make circular movements with the shoulders back and forth, to reduce and dilate the shoulder blades. Also such an exercise helps: while sitting or standing, clasp your arms, maximally spreading the shoulder blades, and hold your breath for 10 seconds. You can massage painful areas.