Why does the baby often spit up?

Since the birth of the long-awaited child, young parents have a lot of different questions. Including, moms and dads are wondering why a newborn baby often belches after feeding and whether it is part of a natural physiological process, or indicates the presence of a crumb of serious diseases in the body. In this article we will try to understand this.

Why does a baby often vomit?

There are quite a few reasons with which you can explain why a baby often spits up, namely:

In addition, in children who are naturally breast-fed, the cause of regurgitation is often due to the fact that the newly mummy does not know how to correctly apply the crumb to her breast. If the infant grasps the nipple incorrectly, along with the milk, air enters the stomach, which, being below the liquid level, causes it to return.

Why does the child often spit after feeding a mixture?

The causes of regurgitation for toddlers are similar to those in infants on breastfeeding. Meanwhile, there are 2 important factors that provoke regurgitation when feeding a baby with a mixture, namely:

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, regurgitation is explained by completely natural and innocuous reasons. However, it can also be provoked by serious birth trauma and the presence of severe ailments. Consult a doctor if the baby spews too often and abundantly, and does not gain enough weight and is constantly naughty.