How much should a child weigh in 9 months?

As everyone knows, every kid grows differently. However, there are average data on weight, height, head circumference, having studied which, doctors determine how correctly the carapace develops.

How much does the baby weigh in 9 months?

According to WHO (World Health Organization), a boy of this age should weigh from 7.1 kg to 11 kg, and a girl - from 6.5 kg to 10.5 kg. But according to the data of Russian pediatricians, the range of how much, for example, should weigh a girl at 9 months is somewhat reduced, however, in the same way as the data on the boy.

Many young parents believe that a child in 9 months should weigh exactly as much as indicated in the table, but this is far from the case. There is a certain gradation of how serious a preponderance or shortage in weight is:

Is it worthwhile to track the exact weight gain of the baby?

Perhaps, a clear answer to the question of how much a boy weighs in 9 months, or a girl, will not be given by half of the parents who have a karapuza of this age. And is it really worth studying tables with weight, if the kid is active, has a good appetite and is developed by age? Doctors say that it is rather not worthwhile, but pay attention to whether the child is getting better or, conversely, is losing weight - necessarily. After a sharp jump in weight - this is a symptom that can indicate the presence of hidden, very serious diseases.

So, find out how much the baby weighs in 9 months can be in the table developed by pediatricians. Do not despair if the weight of your karapuza does not fall a little in the specified range, because he can be a fidget, or, conversely, a phlegmatic. However, the fact that the baby has started to gain weight or to lose weight should alert the parents and become a signal for visiting the pediatrician.