Why does the child bend and cry during feeding?

For various psychological and physiological reasons, you can sharply arched an arch and cry during feeding. This can happen in both HBV and artificial feeding. Most often this way a child demonstrates his protest, dissatisfaction with the process or its quality, or his own poor state of health.

In order to understand what to do when a child arches and cries during feeding, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this behavior. To do this, you will have to conduct many different "experiments" and have patience, but there are ways to solve the problem.

Possible reasons for the baby to buckle and cry when feeding:

Many mothers believe that this behavior takes place only with, directly, HS, and they wonder why the child arches and cries while feeding from the bottle. But the reasons can be absolutely the same, and they should not be underestimated. In any case, it is better to eliminate the problem as early as possible, when the child's mind and habits are only being formed.

Attentive mom will have to consider each of the reasons (and possibly their totality) to understand the child's behavior. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the most frightening and dangerous problem - neurological. Bending and crying can be caused by problems with the neck and back, increased restlessness of the baby, edematous processes in the brain. Only a specialist doctor will be able to tell you exactly whether you should be worried. If the planned examination of the baby from a neurologist problems was not found, most likely, you yourself can cope with the problem.

Problems with the quantity or quality of food

First of all, my mother should carefully consider her diet. It should be correct and balanced, for milk to be a full-fledged food for the baby, do not overdo it with spices. That is why a child arches and cries during feeding, he may be unhappy with the taste and quality of milk, which can, in turn, provoke many other problems and diseases. Try temporarily some products (one by one) to exclude or add, and watch the reaction of the baby. Also, the child may not be satisfied with the amount of food, so try to give him a little more or slightly less food (this is also true with artificial feeding), so you exclude the options that the child is nervous because he is hungry or overeaten.


If you notice how a child cries and bends during feeding, and sometimes long after it, then there is a high probability that it is being tortured by colic. Most children go through this at the age of 3 weeks to 3-6 months, and not always parents can somehow alleviate the physical discomfort of the baby. Often cramps infect children at night, so feeding at this time are particularly difficult. Cope with colic can be a lot of folk methods: a bath, a warm water bottle or diaper, special syrups. In fact, the main thing for a baby at this moment is to feel the warmth and support of the mother. At the age of a maximum of 6 months colic usually go away and the feeding is fully adjusted.


Perhaps, to cope with the vagaries of a child is sometimes much more difficult than with a physical ailment. There is no single pattern of behavior, but the main advice is to let the child know that you care about him and give him enough attention, follow a clear regime and order, and lead a single, holistic line of education. And be patient.