Atresia of the esophagus in newborns

The list of congenital pathologies that occur in newborns is quite impressive. And one of the most common defects is atresia of the esophagus. In medical practice, there are several varieties of this anomaly - the most common form is atresia of the esophagus with the formation of the lower tracheoesophageal fistula.

Today we will talk about the clinical picture accompanying pathology, and also discuss the causes of its occurrence and the most likely consequences.

Causes of esophageal atresia in newborns

It is well known that pathology occurs as a result of disorders that occurred at an early stage of intrauterine development. So, initially the tracheal tube and esophagus in the form of an end develop from a single rudiment. Approximately from 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy they begin to separate. The anomaly appears in the event that the speed and direction of growth of the organ are disturbed.

But, what is the direct cause of atresia of the esophagus in newborns, doctors reckon to contributing factors: not a healthy lifestyle of a pregnant woman, exposure to X-rays, use of drugs prohibited during pregnancy, poisoning with pesticides.

Consequences of atresia of the esophagus in newborns

Not so long ago, this developmental defect was considered incompatible with life. But as medicine has moved far ahead, the chances of survival of children with this pathology have increased significantly. In particular, many negative consequences can be avoided if atresia of the esophagus in newborns is diagnosed on time. So, in the first day, babies are operated on, the outcome of which is largely predetermined by the degree of pulmonary disorders and the presence of other anomalies. The postoperative period is particularly difficult, when: