Dyufaston for calling monthly

According to gynecologists, menstrual bleeding, arriving on time and having always the same duration, are a kind of indicator of the state of the reproductive system of each woman. It should be noted that the regularity of menstruation is, first of all, the correct operation of the ovaries. In addition, this fact is directly influenced by the concentration in the blood of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

However, due to various reasons, a malfunction in the reproductive system often occurs, which is accompanied by a kind of cycle violation, such as delay. It is then that a woman even before visiting a doctor thinks about how you can trigger monthly ones yourself. After the various kinds of folk remedies are tried, the turn and medications are appropriate. The most common of these is Dufaston, which is also used to call up delayed monthly bleeding. Let's take a closer look at this medication and tell about the mechanism of its action, the features of the application.

What is Duphaston and how to take it for monthly calls?

This drug belongs to the hormonal group. The basis of it is dydrogesterone. This substance in its molecular composition and pharmacological action completely corresponds to natural progesterone.

At once it is necessary to note, that reception of this medicine should be appointed by the doctor who will specify a dosage, multiplicity and necessarily duration of use of a preparation.

Usually, the reception of Dufaston for monthly calls is carried out according to the following scheme: they start taking in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle, to be exact - from 11 to 25 days, 10 mg of the drug 2 times a day. To normalize the hormonal background and stabilize the menstrual cycle, the duration of this medication can be up to 3 months. It all depends on the type of disease, its stage and the severity of the pathological process. Therefore, in no case should you use Duphaston alone to call monthly with the delay. It should be noted that under the "delay" in gynecology is understood the absence of another menstruation for 3 or more weeks (absence of menstruation for more than six months - amenorrhea).

What are the contraindications for using Dufaston?

Before you drink Dyufaston for monthly calls, every woman should read the instructions, more specifically the part where contraindications for the use of the medication are listed. To such it is possible to carry:

As for taking the drug during pregnancy, this fact is not a contraindication. That is why, if the woman taking the drug suddenly finds out about her interesting situation, she can not worry about the health of her future baby.

As for the side effects when taking Dufaston, they are usually much more:

Thus, the use of Dufaston for the call of menstruation is possible only by instruction and after agreement with the doctor-gynecologist. This will avoid the development of side effects, which are described above. Moreover, only when taking the drug under the supervision of a doctor, a woman can be calm for her health.