Intra-ductular papilloma of the mammary gland - causes, symptoms and treatment

Such a benign formation, as intraprostatic papilloma of the breast, is recorded more often. The tumor itself has small dimensions - from a few mm to 1-3 cm. It is localized directly inside the duct of the breast. Consider the disease in more detail, identify its possible causes, signs, directions of therapy.

Intra-flow papilloma - causes

The disorder can develop at almost any age, from puberty to the menopause. At the same time, the development of the disease, such as intra-cellular papilloma, is caused by the failure of the hormonal system. It is observed when:

In addition, physicians identify predisposing factors that are a trigger mechanism:

Intra-flow papilloma of the breast - symptoms

It is worth noting that often a violation is diagnosed with a preventive examination of a woman. But she herself does not make complaints. Identify self-disease intraprostate papilloma, the symptoms of which are hidden, difficult. Doctors at suspicion advise girls to pay attention to the following signs of violation:

  1. Discharge from the nipple. Often they are noted exclusively from one gland, have a small volume, so they remain unnoticed. With the progression of the disorder, the infection, their color can vary from transparent to yellowish with a greenish tinge. Later, the girls fix the admixture of blood in the secretions from the chest.
  2. Soreness in the mammary gland. It is not always observed, it has a non-permanent character. Women themselves describe it as light tingling sensations that do not have periodicity. They are related to the increase in papillomas in size, the progression of the disease.
  3. Swelling and swelling. It is fixed when an infection of bacterial origin is attached, which is due to a decrease in local immunity. In such cases, a woman complains of weakness, the appearance of purulent discharge from the nipple, high fever.

Intra-ductular papilloma of the breast - treatment

The therapeutic process with this violation can be carried out conservatively and radically. The choice is based on the results of the survey. Obligatory at the same time are:

Intra-flow papilloma, the treatment of which is a long process, can be cured by a conservative method. This method is applicable in case of detection of formation at an early stage, a single character of the tumor and its small size. In this case, a woman is appointed:

Intra-flow papilloma - treatment with folk remedies

This method of therapy can be used only as an additional method. Before using medicinal plants, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Intra-flow papilloma of the breast is a complex disease requiring an integrated approach. Among effective means, it is possible to note such recipes:

  1. Dried herbs: turn, mint, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula, celandine, valerian take 1 tablespoon of the dining room and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist an hour, take 200 ml 3-4 times a day. Course 1 month.
  2. Compresses on the chest of red beets. 200 g of fresh, grated root is heated to steam, add 2 table spoons of 9% vinegar. From the obtained gruel make a compress, the breast is obliged with a warm kerchief, wrapped. 10 days is enough to relieve the painful symptoms and symptoms of the disorder.
  3. Beet with honey. Can be used when attaching an inflammatory process. To 3 parts of beet take 1 part honey. Used for compresses according to the method described above, treat 5-7 days.

Surgery to remove intracapsular papilloma of the breast

Often the only way to get rid of the disease is to remove the intra-cellular papilloma of the breast. Because of the absence of symptoms, the disorder is identified in the heat when the tumor has a diameter of about 1 cm. With multiple presence of papillomas, surgical intervention is mandatory. It is carried out by the method of sectoral resection.

Access to iron is carried out along the lower line of the areola. So directly those prophets open that go into the nipple. A thorough examination reveals the affected areas in order to carry out their further removal. The surgeon cuts out a whole sector of tissue with the affected ducts. Part of the material is sent to the histology in order to exclude malignancy.

Treatment after removal of intraprostatic papilloma

Therapy of such a disease, as intraprostatic papilloma of the breast, does not end after the operation. From this moment the recovery period comes. It is accompanied by periodic visits to the gynecologist and endocrinologist. Doctors develop an individual scheme, which includes:

Consequences of intraperitoneal papilloma removal

To frequent consequences of the performed operation it is necessary to attribute formation by a hematoma. As a result, the woman notes that suddenly the nipple darkened after the removal of the intraprostatic papilloma. At the same time, tenderness in this area is marked by a small swelling. The situation is resolved independently, does not require correction. In order to assess the quality of the operation performed, exclude relapses, the following are performed:

How much does the chest hurt after removing the intra-flow papilloma?

This kind of question is of interest to women who underwent surgery. It is worth noting that the operated intraprostatic papilloma of the mammary glands is characterized by mildly painful tenderness. The intensity of pain decreases with the distance from the day of surgery. On the average, in the postoperative period a woman may be disturbed by short-term, mild pains of 10-14 days. After the lapse of this time period, if pain persists, it is necessary to consult a mammologist.

Pregnancy and intraprostatic papilloma

In connection with changes in the work of the hormonal system during gestation, intraprostatic papilloma of the breast can be detected during pregnancy. In this case, doctors adhere to expectant tactics. The operation can be carried out not on a short term, but after the end of the first trimester, if there are certain indications:

Often an intraprostatic papilloma of the breast does not disturb a woman before the lactation period begins. Even after the appearance of crumbs, doctors can prescribe an operative intervention. It is performed in a minimally invasive way, therefore has a small recovery period. A woman can leave the clinic at the same time. After treatment, control is required, which is carried out once every 2-4 months. Doctors monitor the absence of recurrences and complications of the disease.