Uterus biopsy

Most often, women who are told by a gynecologist about the need for a biopsy of the uterus, embrace fear. In fact, there is no cause for concern yet, but it can appear if the exact diagnosis is not made in time and no treatment is prescribed. It is for the purpose of diagnosis in most cases and a biopsy of the endometrium of the uterus.

Uterine cavity biopsy

The essence of the procedure consists in excision of a small volume of tissue for the study, as a result of which the final diagnosis is established, the causes of the pathological process are determined, as well as the boundaries of the lesion. As a rule, a biopsy of the uterus is painless and has no negative consequences. However, like any surgical intervention, has a number of contraindications:

Starting from the patient's complaints, the doctor chooses the most suitable day for the menstrual cycle for the biopsy of the endometrium of the uterus. The corresponding conclusions are made based on the results of the analysis for a biopsy of the uterus.

Indications for a biopsy of the uterus

A biopsy of the uterine cavity is recommended for women with menstrual irregularities, intermenstrual bleeding, infertility, and suspected neoplasm.

Carry out manipulations for the collection of biological material by several methods, in connection with this distinguish:

  1. Excisional biopsy - complete curettage of the uterine cavity.
  2. Injection biopsy - a part of the mucous membrane is extracted.
  3. Puncture biopsy - tissue is taken with a hollow needle puncture.
  4. Aspiration biopsy of the uterine cavity is a relatively new method, it is widely used if necessary to perform a biopsy of uterine fibroids, the material is obtained by vacuum extraction.