Interstitial-subferous myoma of the uterus

Myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor caused by hormonal imbalance. The disease is most affected by women aged 30 to 45 years who had one or more pregnancies. The most dangerous form of uterine fibroids is the interstitial. This means that the tumor is located in the thickness of the tissue or between organs.

The interstitial myoma of the uterus is also called subserous, since it is under a layer of epithelium (the word "serous" means the outer layer secreted by the membrane). This type of tumor is difficult to identify and remove by surgery. Sometimes the uterine myoma is located on the surface, but has a node located interstitially. Symptoms of the disease are often hidden or implicit.

Symptoms of interstitial subserious myoma of the uterus

The interstitial subserous myoma of the uterus has the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen with different irradiation. They can give back, crotch, anal area.
  2. Infringement of outflow of urine or on the contrary its raised or increased formation. This is due to the fact that the interstitial myoma, expanding, begins to press on the ureter or kidneys.
  3. Prolonged and abundant menstrual flow. The cause is a violation of the contractility of the myometrium (smooth muscle) of the uterus.

Interstitial uterine myoma in pregnancy

Interstitial uterine myoma during pregnancy can cause an increased heart rate and shortness of breath. Conception for this disease is difficult, but possible. If the interstitium-biseroid myoma is located directly in the body of the uterus, then there are no obstacles for the advancement of the spermatozoon. There is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth . This is due to the release of the tumor substances that provoke a reduction in the walls of the uterus.

As such, treatment in this case before delivery is not carried out due to the danger of any intervention. Doctors periodically control the size of the interstitium-suferose myoma of the uterus and monitor the stability of the woman's condition. With an increase in the tumor to a critical size, it is possible to interrupt pregnancy on medical grounds.

Interstitial myoma treatment

Treatment of interstitial uterine myoma can be reduced to the following procedures: