Tuberculosis of genital organs - modern treatment

Tuberculosis of the genitals refers to infectious diseases. It is provoked by such a pathogen as Koch's wand . Consider the disease in more detail, let's name the causes, signs and methods of therapy, especially treatment and diagnosis.

Tuberculosis of genitals causes

Tuberculosis of female genital organs does not arise as an independent disease. Often it is secondary in nature, as a consequence of the introduction of infection from the primary focus. As such, the affected lungs and intestines can act. The provoking factors that cause migration of the pathogen and the development of tuberculosis in the reproductive system can be:

Tuberculosis of the genitals - symptoms

The first signs of tuberculosis of the genitals can appear with the onset of the process of puberty. However, the main contingent of patients with this disease is women of reproductive age, 20-30 years old. Tuberculosis of the genital organs often proceeds in an erased form, the clinical picture is completely absent. In this case, the violation of the childbearing function becomes the main sign of pathology. Immediately in establishing the causes of infertility and diagnosed with tuberculosis.

In addition, often the disease is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They have no connection with the cyclical changes. The presence of soreness is a consequence of the adhesive process in the small pelvis or the result of damage to the nerve endings. Among other signs of the disease, doctors also distinguish signs of tuberculous intoxication:

Tuberculosis of the uterus - symptoms

Tuberculosis of the uterus is a frequent form of pathology. At the same time, the endometrial tissue of the reproductive organ is damaged. As a result, there is a violation of menstrual function:

In the chronic course of the disease, women complain of subfebrile temperature, pulling and aching pain in the abdomen. In the advanced stage, fibrotic processes develop, and fibrillation forms are formed. As a result, the uterine cavity deforms, which is often accompanied by the development of infectious processes.

Tuberculosis of ovaries in women - symptoms

Tuberculosis of the ovaries in women occurs less frequently than uterine lesions. With this form of pathology, the external envelope of the gonads is affected by the pathogen. In some cases, the peritoneum is involved in the process. At the stage of defeat of the parenchyma of the ovary, the process can stabilize. As a result, the symptoms of the disease disappear, the woman notes that she is feeling better. However, such changes are temporary. Tuberculosis of the ovaries is manifested by the following symptoms:

Tuberculosis of external genital organs

Tuberculosis of the genital organs in women, with only the vagina and vulva affected, is rare. With this form of the disease in these areas formed ulcers. They are small, but easy to visualize. Immediately given symptom becomes the reason for contacting a doctor. Tuberculosis of the external genitalia in women is accompanied by burning and itching, which disturb the patients. Symptomatology can disappear on its own, and the disease goes into a latent form. In the absence of therapy, the pathogen penetrates into the uterus.

Diagnosis of genital tuberculosis

To diagnose tuberculosis of the uterine appendages, doctors use laboratory methods. The main one is the tuberculin test. A subcutaneous injection of tuberculin in a dose of 20, less often 50 TE. After this, the focal reaction is evaluated. At the same time, the general reaction of the organism to the introduction is also developing:

To the exact methods of diagnosis include microbiological methods. With their help, it is possible to establish the mycobacterium tuberculosis in tissues, body fluids. As a material for the study use:

Treatment of tuberculosis of genital organs

The long absence of treatment leads to the development of complications in the reproductive system. So, ovarian cysts with tuberculosis of the reproductive system are often found. Therapy is carried out in specialized medical institutions. At the heart of the treatment is chemotherapy with the use of 3 drugs. The course is selected individually, taking into account the form of pathology, tolerability of drugs. The following medicines are common:

These drugs are referred to as first-line drugs - used to control the pathogen. If the pathogen is resistant to them, when tuberculosis of female genital organs is not cured for a long time, second-line drugs are used:

Non-drug treatment includes: