Baking soda in gynecology

A batch of soda is found in the kitchen of every landlady. Who would have thought that this familiar substance is widely used in medicine: soda is drunk with heartburn, rinses her throat and heals the fungus. Baking soda in gynecology also has indications for use, namely: all known yeast infections and infertility of unclear etiology.

Useful properties of soda in gynecology

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is a food product that is needed at home, and is used in industry. This white brackish powder has many useful properties, but in gynecology, two of them are needed:

Baking soda from thrush

Due to its medicinal properties, baking soda is a popular remedy for thrush. A solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate has a harmful effect on the microfiber of fungi, the causative agents of yeast candidiasis. And the antiseptic effect provides the woman a significant relief of the condition: the soda solution flushes well the thick cheesy discharge and relieves the symptoms of itching and burning in the vagina.

From thrush recommended to do syringing and washing with baking soda, dissolved in warm water.

  1. For external washing of the sexual organs, a 2% concentration of the powder is diluted and an intimate toilet is performed as needed, but at least 2 times a day.
  2. For syringing, make a weaker solution: half a teaspoon of powder on a mug of water. The solution is injected into the vagina with a rubber syringe, washing the mucous membrane from pathologic secretions twice a day. After douching, it is necessary to establish a local antifungal agent prescribed by a gynecologist - a candle or a vaginal tablet.

Baking soda and infertility

The method of treatment of infertility soda with an unknown cause refers to folk medicine, whereas in official gynecology this method is ambiguous. Presumably, one of the reasons for the non-occurrence of pregnancy in a healthy woman may be the death of spermatozoa in the vagina, which has an increased acidity.

Douching soda buffs the vaginal secret, so it is done before sexual intercourse in a fertile period for conception. The effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically proven, nor has it been refuted, and its application is based solely on the woman's personal desire.